originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i][u]I suppose we could visit, sure![/u][/i]
~The rest of the group follows you on. Solaire stops and screams at the Starbucks~
~The knightess, who went by Anri, looks at Cyan before she leaves. Shaking her head, she goes back to listening in the conversation~
Bramd - old
Hey, Sol. I gotta go a moment, lock up when you're done, can you? *He tosses the keys to Solaire* -
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 6/21/2016 5:29:28 PM[i][u]Yeah, sure.[/u][/i] ~He catches the keys~
Bramd - old
*Mortar grabs a beer and opens a portal to the Underworld* -
[i][u]Uh...see ya.[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
You too... *The portal closes*