Bramd - old
Alright... *Mortar goes into the kitchen, then comes out with a shadow clone, both holding their drinks.* Alright, water and my special whiskey. [i]And the two doctor peppers over here.[/i] -
~The group takes their drinks, all thanking you. They bother to take off their helms. Solaire first, who seems to be a younger men with light brown hair. Siegward sighs, taking off his onion shaped helm. He appears to be an older man, maybe around his mid-50s. Anri, simply lifts up her visor, appearing to be pale, young, and with light green eyes~
Bramd - old
Alright, are you ready, or should I give you guys a moment to decide what you want. *He motions to the menus on the table* -
[i][u]Just a moment.[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
Alright, I'll just be waiting here. *Mortar sits at another booth, looking at the menu, but seemingly thinking about something else* -
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 6/21/2016 3:39:24 PM[i][u]...So...I'm thinking about a burger...[/u][/i] [b][i]Steak.[/i][/b] [b][i][u]Maybe a burger with cheese, I don't know.[/u][/i][/b] [i][u]So that's us...Anri?[/u][/i] [b][u]I'm fine.[/u][/b] [i][u]Ok... Mortar? I think we're good to go.[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
Oh, got it. *Mortar walks up to your booth* So what do you guys need? -
[i][u]Two burgers, one with cheese, and a steak. I'm gonna guess...[/u][/i] [b][i]Just however you want it to be.[/i][/b] [i][u]Oh...Ok. And Anri didn't want anything.[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
Alright then. Two burgers and a steak. I'll put it as medium. *Mortar writes down the order in a small notepad* Alright, I'm gonna get you those. *Before Mortar walks into the kitchen, Cyan walks in, a bit annoyed at something.* [i]Give me a beer, I don't care what it is.[/i] *Mortar nods as he hands her a Budweiser* -
[i][u]Hello! I don't believe we've met.[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
[i]Yeah, likewise.[/i] *She sounds annoyed as she downs her beer* [i]Anyway, I was here to tell Mortar I was attacked.[/i] Attacked? [i]Yeah. You know, when an organism assaults you, think Mortar.[/i] Wait, what were you attacked by? [i]Some weird glob of something. Tried to suck me in.[/i] *She pulls up her pant leg to reveal multiple symbols burnt in her leg* [i]Luck i had your knife.[/i] -
[i][u]Oh dear. That looks bad...[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
[i]Yeah, it hurts like hell[/i] -
[i][u]I might be able to try something...[/u][/i] [i][u]What type of wound was it again? A burn?[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
[i]I don't know, but it hurts..[/i] -
[i][u]Then I'll have to try Bountiful Sunlight...hold still, please.[/u][/i] ~Solaire pulls a small white and red talisman from his pocket,and holds it up. A ray of sunlight passes through the ceiling because reasons, healing the wound~
Bramd - old
*The wounds heal, but the symbols remain* [i]Well that didn't do anything.[/i] -
[i][u]Atleast you're not in pain anymore...[/u][/i]
Bramd - old
[i]yeah...[/i] -
[b][i]So where did you find the creature? Inside or outside of this place?[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
[i] Outside of this place, the little shit clamped onto me and tried to suck me into it's tar like body. I froze it and crushed it[/i] -
[b][i]Hmm. So it's killable. Alright..[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
Yeah... but before it was, it split into two -
[b][i]Oh. It may return for you, as it seems as though...you were the intended target.[/i][/b] [b][i][u]Here we go...[/u][/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*Cyan let out a large sigh meaning that she was pissed off.* [i]Get me another, Mortar.[/i] *Mortar tosses her another Budweiser.*