Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*The heat that Garuud is radiating deep fried it, and he shakes it off his leg* [i]Looks like something from KFC. Give it up. Why do you want her?[/i] -
"Never!!" *he vanishes again with a wave of his staff*
Edited by BrandRobKus: 6/21/2016 7:05:26 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Garuud looks around* [i]Well, best bring Hovark back to them.[/i] *Garuud opens a portal and pulls Hovark through* [i]Well, now we gotta find your daughters.[/i] __________________________________________ *Back at Leyla's room, Wit has just finished relieving Serenity of her symbols* [b]There you go, that should help for now.[/b] -
"There at the cave on the hill"he says *back the cave* "Thank you wit" says serenity
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[b]No problem. Let's just hope those things don't attack again, that took a lot out of me.[/b] *After a moment, Garuud walks into the cave, Hovark not far behind. Mortar jumps a little when seeing him.* Father... [i]Mortar. Good to see you?[/i] *You could tell there is a slight tension between the two. Wit, on the other hand, noticed all the symbols.* [b]Fffuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuccckkkk. Come here Hovark, I'll help you.[/b] *Wit let's out a sigh as he walks over to Hovark* -
*leyla notices her father right away cause* "Father yourokay?...im so happy thank you so much for bring him back" leyla says *hovark holds still so wit can work* "I really dislike those creatures and that rat bastard" says hovark
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
[i]Oh, you're welcome.[/i] *Wit angrily grumbles about "shit better not happen again" as he works. As for Mortar, well he definitely felt that his father was out of place. But, you know, he did bring back Hovark, so, he has to be a little more forgiving.* Well, father, I do not forgive you for wanting me to become Gore once again and work for you, but I thank you for bringing Hovark back. *Garuud nods* [i]I do not expect your forgiveness, but this is my plea. I'm sorry for doing that, and I know it was wrong to do so. Your fight with the Soul of Cinder proved that...[/i] -
*outside cave the man the starts walking towards the cave without making a sound serenity just so happens to look out the doorway and sees the strange fellow approaching "Ugh guys what did you say the bastard look like cause we got company" says serenity
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Garuud looks behind him to see the man* [i]Well, you wanted vengeance, here he is.[/i] *He summons his axe scythe and walks up to the man* [i]Why do you even want her anyway?[/i] -
*the man walks toward garuud* "Curiousity killed the cat you know" the man says *leyla waits to see what happens* *the strange starts a strange chant and his staff in his hand turns into wicked looking sword. The sword has strange symbols on it that glow with a sickly green light*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Mortar oversaw the man* Wait... that looks like my sword before I reforged it. How did you...? -
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/22/2016 2:10:22 PM"Your sword was probably made by a dark elf then. Cause thats is what this is there only three of these blades know to exist if you do have one you are a lucky man indeed." The man says *the man looks at mortar* "What is your name lad?" he asks. " mine is Suvrtis R'rel leader of the blackroses coven" he says
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
Name is Mortar, but you can call me your worst nightmare. *Mortar forms his sword. Instead of it being dark blue it is black with red symbols* -
"Do you know thats not only coven thats after her right? There so many more than you realize" he says *he takes a step foward toward mortar sword raised*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
And I have many after me, hasn't stopped me yet. -
"And none will stop me" he says *leyla watches from a safe distance trying to stay back as wit still continue to work on her father* "Kick his ass mortar kick that bastards ass" says hovark
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
You know what? I've had enough of you. *Mortar's eyes begin to glow* You've tortured this one person over and over again to the point where she almost cracks, and I'M SICK OF IT. *His eyes glow brighter, they are a pink color now* You will dearly pay for your multiple offences to Leyla, her family, and me. I would give my life to save another, and I'm ready to do that now if I have to. But it will not happen, for it will be you who perished. *Mortar's eyes are now a bright white. He readies his weapon, which is now white with gold flames* Round one. [spoiler]Shit's about to go down.[/spoiler] -
"Bring it demon" he says *he chants drawing his finger along the blade a black flames crawl down his blade. His appearance changes slightly as black wisp appear on his body and his voice sounds inhuman in the worst way. His eyes are solid black.* "Let us end this we grow weary of your talking" he says as voice starts to sound way different than before *leyla looks on she feels a chill goes down spine* "What is he i thought he was a elf?" She asks
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Garuud stands near Leyla, as if to guard her. Wit just finished with Hovark.* [b] Alright, I'm leaving. It's your problem if someone gets attacked again.[/b] *Gore slices at the new figure in front of him, sending a wave of energy* You will not take her. -
*the figure get hits by the wave of energy like its nothing cause he smacks it away like its nothing and chuckles. He counters sending out a wave pure dark magic. It hits some of the grass making it whither and die instantly.* *leyla sees that and she starts to shake in fear.* "You can not stop me demon" its says
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Pure light seems to come from Mortar as it dissipates. He runs up to the man and stabs him hard.* *Garuud watches the fight, ready to assist Mortar* -
*the man doesn't flinch when you stab him.he just grabs him by the wrist snapping it. then kicks him hard in the chest. * *leyla watches them fight*
Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM
*Mortar barely recoils as he surrounds the figure with floating blades of pure light* -
*with a flick of his wrist the man disappears before you can blink then appears behind slicing you with his sword then kicks you in the back*
Edited by VengefulSiren: 6/24/2016 12:48:10 AM*ignore this