If you haven't heard, in the show RWBY. Nearly every weapon in the show is also a gun.
For example there is a scythe that is also a sniper rifle, gauntlets which fire shotgun pellets and even two lever action shotguns attached by a chain (yes, gunchucks).
In the Game Bloodborne, the weapons turn into other weapons like a saw that turns into a cleaver, a cane which turns into a whip, an a axe which extends making it a two hander.
So if you had the opportunity to make your own personalised weapon with a gun built into it or a weapon which turns into another weapon, what would it be?
Edited by XPhoenixUnknown: 6/24/2016 3:49:13 PMWell... I would say a dual sided sword, and the two sides can come to the center to make a shotgun. Also, the blades can bend into scythe blades, that point in the opposite direction of each other When the blades come together to make the shot gun, it resembles the redeemer from warframe [spoiler]yes, the last part was sort of based off of qrows weapon[/spoiler]
A battle axe that switches into a flamethrower.
A sniper rifle that can turn into a katana that can still shoot.
I got one. Two weapons, one is a sword with a great cutting edge and a rocket at the bottom of the hilt. Then there is a dagger that also becomes a revolver. Pretty much the RWBY version of an Abyss watcher.
Just use the rifle spear from Bloodborne
Sword that turns into a DC-17m. It's pretty much 4 weapons in one [spoiler]look up the gun if you're confused [/spoiler]
Giant cannon/giant sword hybrid
I would get a katana and make it into a nice sniper. I would have a scope where you pressed the top of it and it came up and the blade retracted.then i would make a hole in the handle for the bullet to go out of.then when im done i just press the top of the scope and ive got a katana(blade as a clip)
A lightsaber that's also a magic wand.
A toilet paper roll
I would just give up and take the cane, but a heavy sword is what I would go for. Extremely styled, pure awesome gunmetal. Then inside will be a gun that splits the sword open. 5 feet long. Glowing purple.
A cane sword that turns into a rifle that shoots 4 long range rounds, but the fourth round is a ton of damage. [spoiler]if you get the reference, lol[/spoiler] [spoiler]heh, get it?[/spoiler]
A chainsaw that's also a bfg
Dual Daggers turning into two silenced pistols
Prince Ali would have a flying carpet with machine gun turrets and missile emplacements.
Dual daggers/short swords to duel p90's
A sword/shotgun where each pellet it fires expands into a sword/shotgun that fires sword/shoguns, they would multiply 7 times before all sword/shotguns except the original explode.
I want my house to be able to chuck mortars.
A war axe that doubles as an smg when turned sideways
Are they even still making RWBY since Monty died
Two guns that turns into another, singular gun.
A battle-axe with a sniper rifle built into the handle.
An arm mounted hydraulic press that turns into a cannon which fires red hot nickel balls.
A ps4 controller with the strength of 1 billion nokia 3310 phones. Smack them lightly in the head. Poof, dead.