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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/22/2016 1:42:07 AM
[b][i]Going out for a little fun.[/i][/b] Mir'ika woke up today with a big smile. It was going to be a good day. Early in the morning, she changed into her piloting suit. Walking into the hangar, the red-haired tau girl smiled brightly as she climbed up into her XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit, modified by both her and her father. It was equipped with all sorts of weaponry, for all sorts of situations. It was also built around a higher mobility. It was black and red, and had a flaming paint job. Once the door to the warehouse opened, she ran through, skipping across the General Quarters and out, into the depths of the ship. She was ready for anything, any encounter. Ready to meet anyone. [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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  • The shrieks of Tyranids could be heard as Mir'ika delved into the ship, but it wasn't no mere group of Tyranids. It was a whole swarm of them, The shrieking of them getting closer and closer clearly after the organic material that is Mir'ika. They appeared from every corner, the horde approaching fast like Wasps after a being who has disturbed their nest. Some fired their acidic weapons which were short ranged but very dangerous, others skittered across the ground, to try and rip open the mech to eat the Tau within.

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  • [i]"Eugh! Tyranids! Ewewewewew!!!"[/i] Using the propellers on the back of her suit, Mir'ika gave herself some freedom from the wave, letting her hover slightly over them. She smirked. [i]"I think it's time for a good ol' roast."[/i] She let loose the fusion flamers she had equipped, in both hands. The jets of overly hot flames were enough to make ashes out of any organic or metal material within seconds from the sheer heat. Using her favourite weapons, she cleaved a way through the horde for her to move with more ease, giving herself some leeway.

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  • She did manage to give herself room, that is until more of the horde came. The swarm started digging their claws n shit into the walls to help them climb to the mech, some already firing their acidic weapons from the walls, others got incinerated and some more managed to jump to the mech. The question remained, will this swarm ever end? More and more Nids flooded the general area.

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  • Thankfully, her gauss-fueled barrier shield protected her from ranged attacks, whose acid would have surely made quick work of her armour. Time was to clear the ranks in a more definitive manner. With her shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, she fired hails of infernal missiles, whose fiery explosions resulted into fields of flames that burned through the swarms.

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  • The swarm whittled down, clearly this one wasn't massive but still dangerous. Then a roar came down the hall as heavy stomps approached. It was in plain view, A fückhuge Carnifex came charging forward towards the mech. Hoping to ram into its outer shell to assist the rest of the horde. More Tyranids attempted to get near the mech but were either blown up or flung away by the charging Carnifex.

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  • [i]"Whoa there!"[/i] She used her jet pack to fly above the carnifex, away from its wave of carnage. [i]"Looks like I'll need some heavier gear to take this on..."[/i] She swiftly used her cloaking device to hide herself from the rampaging beast, and the rest of the swarm.

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  • It worked for the most part, the horde had no idea where she was exactly. And the Carnifex after traveling a couple more meters started slowing down. Yet the swarm still smelled her nearby but they did not know where exactly. Like bloodhounds they started crawling around to search for Mir'ika.

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  • A few moments later, something bold happened. A battlesuit, about twice the height of the Ghostkeel suit, tackled the unsuspecting Carnifex, with enough surprise and force to stagger the beast. With a bit of leeway for her attack, Mir'ika fired the Ionic discharge cannon she had, which tore through the flech of the Carnifex so well that it went through, making a few holes in the ship as it travelled. And with such a hole open through the beast, the three barrels of the Phased plasma-flamer began to spin, letting out a torrent of blueish-green flames that burned into the Carnifex, rendering bone, chitin and flesh alike into crispy lumps of ash.

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  • The Carnifex howled in pain from the main shot and disintegrated completely from the others. The rest of the swarm shrieked at the sight of the mech and rushed forward, some would get dangerously close and fire their acidic shots. Others would attempt to climb on to rip out the Tau Female and brutally multilated and eat the dead body.

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  • The barrier shield protected her still, and her triple-barreled flamer was perfect to negate any rushing swarms of hormagaunts. Using her jet pack, she would get some mad 360 airs in, causing halos of flames to wash around her, burning the Tyranid swarm to a crisp.

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  • Basically the swarm got fukt by the flames. It was over, atleast until the next time. This was alright.

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  • [spoiler]inb4 bio titan.[/spoiler] [i]"Phew! That was fun. What next?"[/i] She said, giggling a bit.

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  • [spoiler]*Warhound titan was really the tyranid swarm*[/spoiler] end or some shit idk

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  • Well then

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  • that was okay. I was never really good with large groups of enemies tbh.

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  • Well, it wasn't too shabby. U did gud breh.

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  • thanks breh. not really sure what I want to make a post about tho. Maybe I'll just reply to some open posts.

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  • Who else from Chloanne's crew have we not seen?

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  • Hm. I don't think they'll fit and even so it's hard AF trying to keep up with 5 characters.

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  • Alright then

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  • maybe in the future though? ° ͜ʖ °

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  • Maybe, yeh

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  • Thankfully, her gauss-fueled barrier shield protected her from ranged attacks, whose acid would have surely made quick work of her armour. Time was to clear the ranks in a more definitive manner. With her shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, she fired hails of infernal missiles, whose fiery explosions resulted into fields of flames that burned through the swarms.

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  • Edited by BrandRobKus: 6/22/2016 12:23:06 PM
    *A strange sound was heard as a figure with blazing crimson eyes and oak brown hair appeared behind her. He wasn't wearing anything special, just a short sleeved T shirt and jeans, but you could tell that he was ready on a moment's notice* Finally, someone having a good day. That's certainly rare here, wouldn't you say? *His tone was friendly, for he was attempting to have a decent conversation. His slight British accent made his voice sound better to the ear, and the fact that he DIDN'T see her as an enemy made him much more open to talk to*

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  • She giggles a bit. [i]"Fun day indeedi! What's your little name?"[/i]

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