TL;DR all of it but i can safely say that: Sir you are an idiot and what my business calls a whale. Hooked, line and sinker. We laugh at our idiotic sheep. I am affraid they do as well. :) But hey, it's better than pis[b]s[/b]ing it on your wife's face or etc etc.
What's your business?
Good to know, glad I have enough mo way to buy what I want to buy and collect what I want to collect. What ever your business is hope you get people to like it or else they won't buy it. I like destiny so I buy the products simple as that.
Laugh all you want. Them "whales" are paying your salary.
My income* But yes, i used to respect everybody before my business. Now i stand corrected. Does not matter what you are into. Not everyone deserves even the leas of respect:)
It's all good man.