I would like to apologise in advance for my poor english, i'll try to be as clear as possible. My intent is to give a polite and humble feedback about the recent balance reguarding certain subclasses.
Polite because I'm not here to complain or yelling that someone ruined my day, humble because I'm not the one who makes games for living and of course i can't understand deeply why you made those changes.
But i want to know.
Gunslinger is not my main, but i loved the way it was, not the stongest, not the thougest but the most rewarding in my opinion.
I gotta say that, for me, was not so easy to stick a trimpmine, or hit that headshot with a trowing knife, it was riscky, but it was fulfilling in a way that no other class did. I know that I can still use both of them and be competitive but i really love the way they were before, the way those piece of equipement reward your precision or punish your carelessness.
I read the articles and the patch notes, but still i can't find out why those changes was needed and I'm wondering if they were trully indispensable.
After the patch i feel like I'm enjoying less using it, maybe i just need to get used to it, maybe not. I'm not asking you to step back, but to keep in consideration to give some love to Gunslinger in the future.
Heartily, a liege and passione guardian.
I don't get this nerf, I feel like bungie was sitting there thinking "the stormcaller melee is completely broken and mapping people so let's nerf the other two melees with can actually compete so it can be even more broke"