originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"I see you don't think ahead, a shame."
[b]He transforms the shield into Stalhrim spears, sending them at Jäger[/b]
[spoiler]Note:this ice cannot melt, only chipped[/spoiler]
[b]Jäger uses a wall of fire to block some of the spears, but one im pales him in the leg.[/b] [i]Damnit! That's fine. A spear stuck in a leg, can't hurt.[/i] [b]Jäger sends another wall of fire.[/b]
[b]He jumps over the wave, landing and sweep kicks you, knocking you over.[/b]
[b]Jäger springs back up and stabs you in the back.[/b]
[b]He draws his other blade to block, then spins and kicks you away[/b]
[b]I dodge the kick and throw a firebomb on your back.[/b]
[b]He flips over and lands in front of you, slashing with both blades[/b]
[b]Jäger backs off.[/b] [i]Well, you've proven yourself a challenge. I must say, for a second I almost doubted myself. But my ego gets the best of me.[/i] [b]Jäger slams his sword to the ground, a giant fireball is hurled towards you. Lighting everything on fire.[/b]
[b]He plants both of his blades into the ground, and channels powerful magic energy[/b] "Your own move will be your downfall." [b]He casts reflect, sending the spell back at you[/b]
[i]You think it will be my downfall?[/i] [b]Jäger lets the fire engulf him, not flinching as it passes through. He charges with his sword, launching a wall of fire towards you.[/b]
[b]He counters with his own hellfire, picking up both blades and dashes past you, cutting you in an X formation[/b]
[b]Jäger blocks the attack. He throws a knife that lands in your back.[/b]
[b]As soon as you throw the knife, he turns ad slashes it away. He then aim his second sword, which you can now see clearly, at you. It appears to be a Gunblade, and he fires a shot at your leg[/b]
[b]It hits.[/b] [i]First a spear, now this?[/i] [b]Jäger summons a spear of fire and hurls it at the speed of light, it im pales your shoulder.[/b]
[spoiler]Try to reframe from moves that don't leave an opining, it makes the fight boring [/spoiler] [b]His aura absorbs the damage, but shatters, knocking you back[/b]
[spoiler]It also makes the fight boring when every move I make you dodge. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Im just using my abilities to the fullest, that's just my character[/spoiler] [spoiler]I haven't made anything up to avoid getting hit[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Everytime I stab you, it's blocked. When I land a hit, your armor aura protects you. When I threw the spear, it apparently made the fight "boring." [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Which you just shattered[/spoiler] [spoiler]Im not gonna stand there and take a hit, you have to catch me off guard. I thought that would be obvious[/spoiler] [spoiler]Your doing good, don't give up now[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Alright, let's get back to the fight[/spoiler] [b]Jäger repositions himself. His armor still burning from the fire. His blade infused with the power of the sun.[/b] [i]Your move.[/i]
[b]He sheaths his Buster sword, and coats his Gunblade with Ice, increasing its sharpness[/b] "Let's go." [b]He dashes forward, slashing[/b]
[b]Jäger blocks the slash with his sword. He goes for a backstab.[/b]
[spoiler]How are you getting behind me?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I give up. You win.[/spoiler]
Edited by XxZANExX13: 6/23/2016 6:25:40 AM[spoiler]Dude, the entire fight you were once behind me, that was the only time a Backstab would have worked[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I left an impending for the move. I ne'er backstabbed, I went for a backstab, you could just say "I block it." Because as you said, I need to stop using moves that don't leave an opening. And when I do leave an opening you question it.[/spoiler]