"Alright, The forces of the Warp are basically Demons. Tyranids range from what you just described to hulking behemoth monstrosities. Tyranids want to consume all organic life so it seems.
Also by the way, There's 3 Gods of the Warp right now that you do not want to fücking touch.
Khorne:An angry son of a bitch. The God of War, Combat, Blood and basically killing enemies as brutal as you can.
Nurgle:The god of Life, Death and disease. That explains itself.
Tzeentch:Huge dickwad, He is the God of Change, Magic and Fate.
Point is, don't go near anything that doesn't look like Edgy military shit."
He explained.
"I actually didn't fück her yet! Hell, I haven't fücked anyone yet! So shut up. And you're forgetting your suit thing."
"YOU SHOULD TRY IT SOMETIME!" He said giggling.
"THE LATTER YOU DIPSHIT! THE SUITS SUPPOSED TO BE THERE! NOW I HAVE TO FÜCKING SLEEP." he said, walking from sight. Thus ending this tale of Tragedy, Happiness and Drama.
[spoiler]To be continued on What the Fück will happen now?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Will Lu-Lu finally score? Will Ciarn and Arknin admit that they are gay? Will Ling stop being a dick? Find out next episode![/spoiler]
[spoiler]Maybe. And didn't they admit to being gay by literally making out for a whole minute. And probably not, because Ling. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]wow..I feel as if the joke flew over your head. *cri*[/spoiler]