Your an idiot! Throwing knives travel on a straight path. They dont curve in mid air or seek out targets. They have to be aimed.
It's aim assist. If you want to see what no aim assist is like, try hitting your teammates vs hitting opponents.
The aim assist your feeling is the pull from whatever weapon you have readied. If you throw a knife, it does not change direction in mid-air!
But if it is from the reticule aim assist from the weapon in hand, then it should stop during those few frames when your avatar is throwing the knife.
And I'm not saying they seek targets, but they do curve a slight amount towards enemies.
I'm sorry, bud, but coming from an experienced Gunslinger, have you even played the game? You need to open your eyes. and it's *you're an idiot
Im a day one gunslinger. Your throwing knife doesn't have a reticle, therefore there is no way for there to be any aim assist other than after you throw it. For there to be aim assist, the knife would have to change trajectory in mid air and seek out the enemy. Which it cannot do. Any aim assist you may "feel" comes from your weapon.
Google "Destiny Throwing Knife Aim Assist" or ask like anyone else on the forum. It curves very slightly towards enemies in mid-air. Plus there's a huge hitbox.
Strafing to the side when you throw it gives the appearance of curving, but it doesnt. Google "optical illusions!
Edited by SenXXII: 6/23/2016 3:23:08 PMThrowing knife aim assist is a thing. Multiple times I've been hit and have hit people who weren't even too close to my knife and it's usually a headshot. That or a big hitbox
Alright. I can't convince you here so I'm just going to stop arguing. Not backing down, it's just there's nothing I can do to make you see my point.