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6/23/2016 4:02:13 PM

Bramd 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

*Mion purrs as Venia nuzzles into him. Meanwhile, Mortar opens a portal to what appears to be a different planet, filled with trees bearing some sort of fruit* [b]Oh, you're going there? Well, get as much fruit as you can and come back alive.[/b] I know this Mion, you remind me daily.

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  • *she finishes her stew and puts the bowl in the sink. Then walks back to her room. Hovark switches places with serenity.* * Venia wakes up when serenity sits down and crawls up into her lap. Venia purrs contently in her lap as she curls up into her lamp* "Mion is really enjoying that fish i gave him" says serenity

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    Oh, yeah? Normally he hunts birds, he doesn't like getting his wings wet

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  • "Well there not very many birds near the cave echo pretty much chased them away she saw to that. She catch fish that swim to close to the surface of the water cause thats what she eats too." Says Leyla "Nightshade is the one that usually goes after deer. him and hovark hunt together for that reason cause he can take them out quicker but they dont do it all the time" say leyla "Yeah it pretty awesome to see nightshade take down a deer though" says hovark

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    I bet, of course Mion tries to attack deer, just he doesn't succeed often... *Mortar chuckles* He teeth aren't big enough

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  • "That would be pretty entertaining to see" says leyla "Nightshade usually ambushes them" says hovark

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    Yeah it is. Occasionally I fire a bullet into them to make Mion think he got them though, gives him self worth

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  • "Well thats nice of you "says leyla *serenity pets venia asleep she . Jura wakes up and wanders over where mortar is sitting. He curls up next to mortar*

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    *Mortar nods as he pets him a little, nodding off slightly himself* Wh... wha? Sorry, just kind of tired.

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  • "We have a spare room if your tired you can sleep in there" says hovark

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    Nah, I'll stay here. Help out Serenity for a while, make sure all the little guys are accounted for

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  • "Oh okay it there if you need it though" says hovark *jura purrs slightly and lays his head on your lap*

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    Yeah, thanks. *Mortar yawns a little* So, I'd say this was a good day

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  • "Yeah it was." Says serenity *venia stirs and nuzzles against serenity. Then she curls up goes to sleep again* "They sure do sleep a lot dont they" says serenity

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    Yeah. I'd be tired too if I was learning how to use little stubby legs all day.

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  • "Yeah thats true i at least they can't get into anything up here though but once they get bigger there gonna be really energetic." She says *she looks at the other two who are sleeping soundly* "Its gonna be really entertaining when i take them outside when they get a little bit bigger . There too small right now." Says leyla

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    Yeah. I just wanna see the look on Sketch's face when he finds out that there are more things that can set his tail on fire

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  • "Lets hope none of them can use lightening attacks it wont effect leyla though shes pretty much a walking lightening rod." says serenity

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    Yeah. And if I were hit... let's just say I'd be a mix of Blastoise and Hulk.

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  • "That would be very interesting to see"says serenity "When lighting hits me it doesn't even hurt it just tingles like when you foot fall asleep thats what it feel like" says leyla

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    Ah, I hate that feeling. Plus it's not rare for me to turn into that... I keep a taser in my pocket in case I have to.

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  • "Nice i scared the shit out hovark when first learned that lightening does effect me"says leyla "That would scare anyone when a massive bolt of lightening strike there child like that" says hovark

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    I would assume so. For me, it's pretty much a steroid

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  • "Oh i see"says leyla *leyla looks over and see serenity sleeping with venia in lap then looks at the clock on the wall and it reads 6 a.m.* "Serenity is as sleep" says leyla quietly

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    Bramd - 2/28/2025 6:22:28 PM

    I wouldn't be surprised, we've been up all night

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  • "Yeah but im wide a wake from my nap earlier. Im gonna lay her on her side so she not sleeping sitting up like that" *leyla moves venia and lays her sister down on open side of the bed. Serenity stirs but doesn't wake up*

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