You do realize this is a video game right? You are not a guardian you are a normal human being this is all fake. i know this must be hard to hear but FFS get a girlfriend/boyfriend/giraffe/MLP whatever your into.
[spoiler][/spoiler] bring the hate. it seems i have baited 3 so far lmao [spoiler][/spoiler]
*Gives raisins*
*Gifts back raisins*
By the bane of Crota you will accept my raisin love! *re-re-gifts raisins*
*re-re-re-gifts raisins* sorry dawg
*re-re-re-re-gifts raisins* accept my love *cries in corner*
Dont pull the bait card here bud. You meant this.
Yes dude I totally meant it oh no you caught me bud :(
In which country are giraffes legal
Says the guy with over 41 days played.
Why are you here?