Bramd - old
You guys are my friends, I'd give my life to help my friends' lives. Still, we gotta be ready if he ever comes back, the asshat. I mean, he definitely WILL have to recover, he can't exactly learn a spell to recover from blindness if he's blind... plus we made it very obvious that we can take on his pawns he sends out... Speaking of which, what happened to her? Haven't seen her in a while... *Almost right after that Cyan walks into the cave, an Abita bottle in hand. You can tell she's pissed* Hey Cyan [i][b]Save it. I was attacked.[/b][/i] -
"Let guess you were strange by some of strange look black creatures that giggle creepy like? " asks leyla
Bramd - old
[i][b]Yeah, is that something that is happening to everyone or what?[/b][/i] *You can see on her leg multiple symbols and runes from the creature* [i][b]Good thing I was able to pry it off[/b][/i] -
"One of those things ate me and tired to do the same to serenity. I hate those things" says hovark "The asshole must summon a lot more than we realize lets hope the creepy sob doesn't come back" says leyla "We should probably find away to get those off you cause those things are nasty and evil" hovark says
Bramd - old
[i]Well I'm pretty sure Mortar and I are fine, we let out a lot of body heat. Mortar gave Leyla that Crystal, but Mortar and I are working on a way to flat out prevent them from coming to us.[/i] [b][i]Well it better work. In the meantime, can someone help me with these things?[/i][/b] *Cyan points to the symbols* [i]I got it.[/i] *Garuud walks over to Cyan and starts working on her leg.* -
"That guy that summoned them didn't seem normal like he was being controlled by something cause when he spoke it didn't sound normal either" says serenity "Im gonna see if my book has any info on them can it has section on different familiars you can summon" says leyla *she grabs her book and sits down flipping through the pages until she gets to the section she looking for.* *she flips through until she finds a page labeled slime familiars. She starts to read up on what they can do and how the best way to kill them.* "Hmm very interesting" says leyla
Bramd - old
What's it say? *Mortar looks over Leyla's shoulder to see what she sees in the book* -
*as you look over her shoulders you see a picture of a slime but it looks a little different than one that attacked earlier* "Well its says we have to find and destroy the original one with fire. Then it warns not to touch them cause the swallow anything whole no matter what size. Its has the abilities to lay down pain inducing runes after its stayed in contact with for long than a minute" she says
Bramd - old
Alright then... Well, I've encountered other slimes, they have all been really annoying. One fired spikes at me, another made me temporarily blind. And there were slimes in the Underworld that set anything on fire -
"I bet but man glad he didn't summon one of these" she says *she it to other page and its shows a baslisk* "Those things are very nasty" says leyla
Bramd - old
Damn, I've had one too many run ins with those. Last time I barely made it out. I would have died if Leonard didn't come and suffocate it. -
"If that guy shows up i might sic one on him" says leyla "They got even stronger one farther like these two little buggers" says leyla *she flips to a page that says manticore then to one that say nuckelavee* "These buggers are relentlessly once they are set on a target" she says [spoiler] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuckelavee /spoiler]
Bramd - old
Damn, that looks powerful. I mean, the most I can summon are shadow forms of creatures. Best I got is nekoluga. *Mortar goes outside and begins a quiet chant. After a moment, [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/battle-cats/images/d/d8/Ultralan_Pasalan.png/revision/latest?cb=20160531194444]This[/url] comes out of the ground and bows to Mortar.* Don't be a stranger, say hi to my friends Luga. *He crouches down and waves to everyone in the cave* -
"Woah hes huge" say leyla *leyla walks up the creature but she feel even shorter than she normally does* "Yeah i dont summon them all time cause they dont always do what i say" says leyla
Bramd - old
I guess. Well, first you have to demand control. And it doesn't hurt that they are a small bit of my soul, which means I can't summon too many. -
"Yeah the nuckelavee is a demon and last i summoned his ass he mocked me then disappeared after saying he wouldn't serve a woman that is this short. Its was a lot harsher the way he word it so that guy is an asshole" says leyla "See just watch" says leyla *she summons the nuckelavee. It looks down at leyla.* "What do you want? i thought i told i will not serve a midget" its says rudely "Charming bastard ain't he" says leyla
Bramd - old
*Nekoluga grabs him by the throat. He doesn't speak, but his empty eyes demand that he obey. Nekoluga outsizes the demon five to one* Luga, put him down. *Nekoluga reluctantly puts him down* -
*the nuckelavee crosses his arms when he is set back down on the ground* "I wont obey someone i dont respect" it says. *the nuckelavee body consists of a skinless horse and a man body that is fused into its back. It has elongated arms that end in gruesome claws. The mans head is unusually large but it entire body has no skin* "Yeah yeah you say that all the time and if you keep being rude i will push your ass into fking stream" *the nuckelavee grumbles at that*
Bramd - old
*Mortar watches from Luga's shoulder. Luga is sitting down, obviously pleased by the conversation between the two.* You better listen to her Demon, after all she can summon you at will. *Luga nods, looking at Mortar* -
"Yeah yeah calm down god i'll listen damn " he says "Just dont push me into freshwater"he says "Yeah he hates streams and freshwater he cant cross them" says leyla
Bramd - old
Good. I was thinking I would have had to start the most painful dodgeball game -
"Nah i would of just thrown him in the lake like last time" says leyla "Yeah let not " it says
Bramd - old
*Mortar chuckles as he jumps off of Luga's shoulder* Alright Nekoluga, you are freed from your current duty. *Nekoluga nods as he begins dissipating and ultimately disappearing* So, what exactly happens when he does get in the water? -
"It burns him and he start freaking out" says "Freshwater burns me really bad i dont like it and i wont cross streams eitherI." It says
Bramd - old
Oh. I'd hate to see what happens if he is hit with chlorine water. *His tone makes it sound like he does*