Try but I guarantee you they're going to do much worse than you think you will by just magically switching to it and becoming awesome.
No need to be awesome just have to main it and use fist of panic and shoulder charge
Actually someone who doesn't know what there doing will average one to two kills per fist and will go deep negative will shoulder charge shotguns and most guns on a medium to long range maps poop on shoulder charge if the titan doesn't know what they are doing
Before the nerf all i saw was fist of panic, and only a few did it right, we all will just be adding to all the fist of panic and shoulder charge, the more we use titans the more skill we will have just like all the skilled titans now, just need practice
DA F*CK are you talking about!? Why do people always take entire classes as their "so called" back-up? ~A warlock main
[quote]Before the nerf all i saw was fist of panic, and only a few did it right,[/quote] *Fist of Havoc. What's the right way of using it? [quote]we all will just be adding to all the fist of panic and shoulder charge, the more we use titans the more skill we will have just like all the skilled titans now, just need practice[/quote] Start a thread and post links to your matches so we can see the result of suddenly having skill because you used Striker and Shoulder Charge.
Yes this is how skill works good job. But it won't have as strong an effect on this specific metric since both fist and shoulder charge really aren't good for you kd. Charge often either gets you in a post on where you kill a guy and his team slats you or you trade or don't make it. And if fist isn't propel timed or the enemy sees you coming you get a kill or two and the team splats you
Thank you for correcting the ignorance.