So I've been running some 36 strikes to get specific collectibles with a fellow clan buddy. We had a great streak going, until we loaded into one strike and our third guy, who will remain nameless, was clearly "rubber banding" He just spun around and shot randomly. We pushed him off of cliffs, we speeder rammed him multiple times, and of course reported him multiple times. I know everyone's going to say just go to orbit and start over, but it's annoying to lose the vanguard strike buff. We carried him through one strike and halfway through another before we quit out of frustration.
Afterwards we checked his stats for recent games and he's been doing this for 10 days in a row!!!! Constantly non-stop for 24 hours a day. Countless strikes with zero kills and zero assists. I mean I know Bungie is backed up, but this is why people hate playing game modes like this.
Anyone else ready to pull their hair out over this? Or have similar experiences? Feel free to vent. I'll be listening since Bungie isn't.
I understand that it's annoying, but.. these strikes are cake. Especially if you're running with a clan mate. The frustrating thing is that they may get an exclusive, and knowing that you literally got the most kills in every category, and you generated like 45 orbs.. and got a blue engram? That's the salt. Don't let RNG get you down, just keep reporting the lazy fcks and keep shooting aliens.
This one guy in PoE wanted scorch cannon and he was very clearly upset because I got it. When I died with the cannon he picked it up and left me for dead.
And Bungie wonders why we complain and moan a lot...
F AFKs... The lowest of the low
That kid has less than .2 kd...
lmao sorry for your hardships OP, but damn that's hilarious
Was doing fallen saber with this arc burn before I picked up a zhalo (finally from the nightfall) and went to slide in front of him to get relic and then he got P.Oed because I tried to grab it first, wouldn't revive me, then proceeded to bring the relic all the way to the back and teabag and dance. I clapped for him, waved and went to orbit.
How'd you get in the refrigerator? I'm not even mad that's impressive.
Ignore him. His electricity bill will make him regret it and of not, I will ;)
He doesn't get credit for boss kills unless he's there, maybe he's just grinding for rep...but that doesn't make much sense.
Ran into a guy yesterday on echo chamber who picked up the relic then says own with it so that we couldn't place it to start the last part of the mission. I sent him a message and told him I was tweeting an image to player support then he decided to change what he was doing :)
You could have 2 manned it, its not hard
Had that happen on The Undying Mind. He spun around in circles for the whole strike. 0 kills. As soon as the boss dropped engrams he moved to pick up his drops. I don't tea bag but for him I made an exception.
What you do is get to the boss and let him solo it. I was in a group of randoms doing PoE when a random just sat there the entire time. I sent the one helping me a message and asked him to stop helping on the boss. It took the other guy 30 minutes to solo the boss.
There would be no point of him doing this as packages don't stack anymore and the post box only holds 20 things. Oh and he can't use 3 of coins if he isn't there... Only explanation is that he is having some major long fit or something.
I believe that it has actually been statistically demonstrated that the vanguard streak does nothing for you besides making you less likely to back out of a strike you don't like.
No, not really. It's only a game, chill bro.
i dont understand, if you encounter someone like this all you have to do if you mind is back out and start again, you fet the buff after 1 strike.
Doing that for 10 days in a row for 24 hours is a waste of time All of those engrams would fill up his character and his postmaster eventually being bumped out of his inventory. Same goes for faction ranking since you have to open one package before you can get another.
"We've noticed some frustrating matchmaking issues in the Strike Playlists, so we've taken away the matchmaking to eliminate those frustrations."
Blame Bungie's ridiculous RNG drop rate. Not justifying it but there's cause and effect
He/She is clearly on the hunt for something from Vanguard packages. Shame they're a lazy ass.
Im stupid and dont understand...please explain...
What collectibles can you get?
I hate it when I'm doing strikes and try to hit stuff and find out I'm getting reported. I didn't know you could get reported for lack of gunskill :(
Believe it or not, Bungie actually issues restrictions for what you decribed. I expect it's rare, but it can't hurt to report them.