If you haven't heard, in the show RWBY. Nearly every weapon in the show is also a gun.
For example there is a scythe that is also a sniper rifle, gauntlets which fire shotgun pellets and even two lever action shotguns attached by a chain (yes, gunchucks).
In the Game Bloodborne, the weapons turn into other weapons like a saw that turns into a cleaver, a cane which turns into a whip, an a axe which extends making it a two hander.
So if you had the opportunity to make your own personalised weapon with a gun built into it or a weapon which turns into another weapon, what would it be?
Edited by XPhoenixUnknown: 6/24/2016 3:49:13 PMWell... I would say a dual sided sword, and the two sides can come to the center to make a shotgun. Also, the blades can bend into scythe blades, that point in the opposite direction of each other When the blades come together to make the shot gun, it resembles the redeemer from warframe [spoiler]yes, the last part was sort of based off of qrows weapon[/spoiler]