More fun then running into me with a whole team of 3 2.0 kds. And yes it is fun, i get to meet new people, had a young lad play with us the other weekend and he literally flipped out that he got a doctrine of passing his first lighthouse tripped. So yeah it is fun.
Goodluck this weekend.
I've never been carried and make it to the lighthouse on occasion . I'd just like to say I think it's good what you do for the players who just don't have what it takes. Bravo
Well no. I didn't say that. If I got my ass served to me on a silver platter by the likes of you. I'd be salty at first admittedly. But then sweet. Some players are just better than others. some got some better tactics, or just abuse the hell outta the weapon meta.... Cause going into the crucible with every match sportin' a Mida, Malok, Doc, 1000, Con-D, clearly shows the diverse skill, and variety of the playerbase as a whole.
Meta is funny tho i get accused of using it when i rock hawksaw or hawkmoon or tlw or pdx or rapier or eysaluna or party casher or uni remote or mida or lord high fixer or side arm etc etc, that is a lot of weapons to all be meta lol. Not to mention kind of hard not to use a PC or a sniper when the other team does? And everyone does have access to these weapons so i don't see a problem with this. If it was like year one when no one had any exotics and 5 % of pop had tlw and suros okay yeah unfair meta advantage but now everyone has access to every weapon slightly different rolls yes but people who say others are good just because they use the meta are wrong. You aren't 2.0 every game because of the weapons or class you use lol. Not directing this at you just pointing out how stupid the meta accusation is at this point of the game. During HOW's yes there was a huge meta advantage. not so much now
I wouldn't say it's the weapon being over powered, just as I said. Can't go a game without seeing the same damn gun. Gun smith has tons a guns, just gotta be patient, and you'll get a good gun with great rolls. My Cocytus for example. Love the damn thing, don't see it often though. "It's too slow". Yeah. But if you can land those 3 headshots as soon as you see the target. Good game. Titans got a.. Dealbreaker? Hakke auto. Crowd Control, and focused fire. Both together. WEW. My defender has never been better. Was also the gun that helped me get my 2nd We ran out medal. Rank up, get a gun, play around with it. Need to scrape this overused bullshit off this game's heel. And funny my friend cries about the Uni remote. Well jee... I mean it is exotic... And it's primary focus is to be a ranged shotgun, and do good with it. "Chaperone is too" Yeah I wish it was. If it had just a bit more ranged than other shotties... I'd praise the guys who could get the headshot. Myself included.. (bragging... heheh... Feels shitty)