So what does it matter ok Titans have a 1 hit grenade.. Incendiary can 1 hit so can the land mine one that gunslinger has... It's not a big deal. The class' melee is average shoulder charge is really not OP anyone that says it is is just raging, and the super is incredible easy to predict... The most annoying part is getting panic supered by noobs but is that really worth a nerf? Jesus christ
Tripmines are not a one hit kill. I don't think I should value your opinion anymore.
You've never got a trip mine thrown on your head?
It's the damage you get because it hits you. Without that it's no one hit kill. If I told you one out of a million bullets could kill in one hit. Would you consider those bullets OHK just because there is a very small chance of getting an OHK?
A clip from April 15th. Now what?
But it wasn't a million grenades. It was one grenade....
Lol wut
I...thought....I .....saw....a....game.....high.. 38.... kills.... on....your..... main....character. I was giving you props, that's slang for nice job or great work