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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/24/2016 8:00:28 PM
[i][b]The black coat of the night.[/b][/i] Night time, on board the bloodwrath. An unsuspecting group of chaos legionaires wish to make a quick kidnapping, murdering and stealing run on the inhabitants of the ship's safe zone. They band, their numbers many, their strategy is sound. The midnight hour strikes. It is time to attack. Seeping into the streets like a stealthy mist, they assault a city block, where security was loose. They enter one building. They kidnap the women in the middle of the night, to perform who knows upon them... the men who do not disturb them, they leave. But those who take them in surprise are taken as well. Always have room for more ranks. Their first wave is successful, they return to their dark conduits to prepare for the second wave. But, to their ignorance, they were being stalked... They return to their desecrated monuments to prepare the ritual. Until... One marine, standing next to one of the monuments, turns to find three melta bombs attached to it. Before he can even scream out, the bombs ignite, taking the structure, the marine and everyone around them in a glorious blaze. They were under attack. Suddenly, [url=]strange, never before seen marines reveal themselves. They surround the camp.[/url] Armed with strange weapons, from Plasma cannons to strange ionic weaponry, they ignite the camp in a quick, decisive skirmish. With precise destruction, they leave the enemy camp in ruins. But none of the kidnapped men and women suffer any injuries. These mysterious marines free the captives, untying their bonds and escorting them back to their homes, on the eastern side of the Quarters. But before the last marine leaves, a woman asks, who are those warriors? And they respond. [i]"We are the Imperial Panthers, guardians of humanity."[/i] An exotic hispanic accent laces the words of the man in armour, who then leaves. The Imperial Panthers make their camp on the grounds of the Eastern block of the Quarters. Their arrival was, at first, unnoticed, until their numbers had begun roaming the rest of the ship. But wherever they would strike... they would be unseen, until the very last moment, where the dying adversary could see who were the angels of death. The Panthers had made their presence known to the bloodwrath. It was both a blessing to the Imperium, and a curse to their enemies. [spoiler]Open. Visit the camp for yourself, check them out.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]"Alright, then. Come in, Señorita."[/i] The gate opened before her, allowing her entry into the camp. For humans, they were pretty hospitable...

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  • Edited by Moot: 6/25/2016 10:18:40 PM
    Before entering, she turned to face the marine. This behaviour coming from humans was confusing to say the least. "Do you... know what I am? I just need to make sure..."

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  • He chuckles. [i]"Unless you're having an effect on me, I'd say you're an eldar, Señorita. Why?"[/i] He asks nonchalantly.

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  • "it's just... this hospitality is unexpected, especially from the likes of space marines towards an individual like myself"

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  • [i]"Well we aren't like your typical space marines. All are welcome here, as long as they don't start trouble."[/i]

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  • Edited by Moot: 6/27/2016 5:56:33 PM
    "well then, I promise not to intentionally cause any trouble. Thank you" Bowing her head at the marine, she accepted the offer to pass and entered the camp, letting the input of her senses fill her mind.

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  • The camp was inhabited mostly by space marines, all of them sharing a somewhat similar state of mind. Although, within the camp, she sensed one mind that towered above all the others. It was like a nuclear central of raw power.

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  • After obtaining a full picture in her head of the surroundings, Kolandra decided to finally move towards this central 'beacon'. Along the way, she'd peer at the camping marines walking past, and they'd peer back. An equal enough exchange; no words, just looks. Unexpected indeed.

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  • Her journey brought her to another structure within the base. It was somewhat more regal than the others, but bore a similar architecture as the rest of the base. This was the Chapter Master's Monastery. The door was closed.

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  • The seer could sense the leadership within. No fear, no deceit; only remorse against the chaos, and unbreakable faith in the innocent. Approaching the doors, Kolandra stopped in her tracks and waited, pondering on questions. Wait. Would they even let her in? Surely not, this is their chapter master, or it at least feels like it. Surely they wouldn't risk it. She had no intention whatsoever to just throw the space marines' hospitality under the bus, this kind of welcome from the imperium was unheard of... ah. The bravery. Perhaps they would let her in; they had complete confidence in their leaders protection and welfare. She was just over-thinking. Of course they wouldn't see a single warlock as a threat.

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  • Still, the best way to find out is to knock. Nobody was rushing to stop her, swords and guns blazing, yelling like madmen. Only the routine noise of the space marines doing their work, and nothing else to it.

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  • Reading the instruction from others, she took a step forward, raised a lightly clenched fist, and knocked on the door. Weird. Eldar usually didn't need to knock on doors, they'd usually just peel back by themselves on approach.

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  • After some time, she heard footsteps coming through the door, which then slid open. The large metal door revealed the being that stood on the other side. He stood at around sixteen feet in height, clad in majestic armour, as far as space marine armours go. It was adorned by the colours of his chapter, with a few golden accents here and there. Strangely, he did not have a helmet on, which revealed his strange face. His head was that of a black panther, a species once native to terra. It had feline features, such as small, perky ears, a black coat of fur, yellow eyes, whiskers, a feline jaw, etc. There was something about him that just made him so... handsome, to the Warlock. Strange... He eyed the woman up and down. "Ah... you must be our latest guest, no?" He spelt with a suave virility in his voice, coated in the svelte accent unique to his legion.

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  • Kolandra was a bit taken aback by the marine's unusual look, but she kept her surprise confined to her thoughts and not her physical movements. Was it even right to call this minature titan a marine? Was he even human? Was Kolandra just unknowledgeable about homo sapiens and didn't know that some humans naturally looked like that? Questions for later perhaps. But right now, it was fascinating to her. Did they all look like this under their armour? No wonder the chapter donned beastly armour. It took a few moments before Kolandra realised she hadn't even answered the man, mesmerised by his unique abnormality. "Uh, yes. I'm the the guest for the day apparently. Chapter master, I presume?" [spoiler]holyshii, that boi is taaaall[/spoiler]

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  • [i]"Yes. Soy señor Valerius Caluroso, at your service..."[/i] He did a light bow, as mucb as his armour allowed him to, smirking. [i]"Might I have the pleasure of knowing your name?"[/i]

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  • Edited by Moot: 6/27/2016 6:40:35 PM
    "Kolandra Dailito, of Craftworld Ulthwé. Pleasure to meet you Valerius; your chapter's hospitality towards strangers is admirable, to say the least" She returned the bowing gesture as she spoke.

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  • "You see, Miss Kolandra, we always greet amicable strangers with open arms. Especially ones as bonito as you..." He chuckles.

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  • "your accent... I'm, unfamiliar with it. I've heard space marines talk before, but not in that exact linguistic..." She had an eyebrow raised under her helmet. In fact, probably more polite to take hers off too.

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  • "That is because it is unique to me, Señorita. You will only find it in those that descend from my Gene-Seed."

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  • "right, I see..." Kolandra reached up and removed her helmet to show her face, her void-black hair releasing and flowing down to her shoulders as it covered the pale seamless skin beneath. Meanwhile, she was still having conflicting thoughts inside. Was this chapter even associated with the imperium? Maybe not; that would explain a lot of the behaviour she was encountering. Not to mention, she'd already met another unassociated human on board the Bloodwrath who claimed to be from an entirely different dimension with no emperor or imperium whatsoever. So, in her recent experience, almost anything seemed possible now. But no. Right now, the warlock had just wished that her peers hadn't taught her to be soo paranoid around other sentients.

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  • "But enough talking in the door. Please, come in!" He steps out of the way, letting her enter the monastery.

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  • "oh, thank you" Kolandra obliged and stepped inside, passing through the large doors and getting to grips with the structure's interior.

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  • It was a sight to behold. A regal architecture, representing of Imperial might.

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  • [b]Alexis sits at her small post on the edge of the camp, standing guard for any hostile activity. It has been two years since she's joined their ranks and she was getting better at working like them without going through the gene seed process.[/b] "Nothing so far.... That's good...." [b]Alexis writes down everything she's seen since she started her shift five hours ago.[/b]

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  • Two marines walk up to her position. [i]"That will be all, Battle-Sister. You may return to your quarters. We will take watch."[/i]

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