originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]a coated figure walks up the mountain path, shielded from the howling winds and terrifying snowstorm
he reaches the gates, knocking on them[/b]
Hey! Can I get entry?
Bramd - old
*Mortar walks up* Sure, just fight a lieutenant -
Sorta doing that now!
[b]Tesuto, seven feet tall and donned in his samurai armour, approaches you. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the two massive blades he rests at his sides.[/b] "You must be tested first. Once you have defeated me, you may enter this dojo."
Sure. [i]*unslings snow*[/i] What do I gotta do?
"Defeat me in combat. Then, you will be permitted to enter. Are you ready?"
Sure. [b]a volley of superheated bullets designed to punch through tanks is fired at you[/b]
[b]Tesuoto draws his blades and swings them so fast, they look like a blur of steel. The bullets fall around him, as he sliced each one in half[/b] "Hmph. No honour in that." [b]Tesuto bows. And awaits your next move[/b]
Hmph. Okay. Appalachian, any ideas? [i]There is a weak point located in his left foot. It seems it's been ripped off before, and should be extremely susceptible to damage.[/i] Okay. [b]tundra cracks his knuckles, and they begin to glow red and orange[/b] So... where're you from?
[spoiler]hmmmm...been observing my fight now have we....?[/spoiler] "I come from...well...here. And you?"
Old Earth. Canada, near the north pole. [b]suddenly, tundra blends into the snowstorm around him you have zero clue where he went[/b]
[b]Tesuto scans the area. His grip tightens on his two 72" blades as he attempts to find Tundra[/b]
[b]tundra comes into sight behind him, punching him in the back of the head, searing his synthetic flesh[/b] [i]*grabs foot as you fall down and bends it backwards*[/i]
[b]The armour prevents any type of bending, since you'd have to have ridiculously strong arms to bend metal.[/b] [b]Either way, Tesuto still falls to the ground.[/b] [b]Tesuto stabs back with his blade to stop the assault of tundra [/b]
[b]tundra blocks the blade with his reinforced right gauntlet he pulls his flamer from under his coat and blasts it at tesuto[/b]
[spoiler]okay. The way you are fighting? It's not going to fly.[/spoiler] [b]The flames burn at Tesutos armour. But that doesn't prevent him from getting up, and running you through. Though, his armour is seriously damaged[/b]
[b]tundra is surprised at his resilience and quits blasting for a second[/b]
[b]Tesuto looks at tundra. He slightly confused on how he's not doing anything, as he has his blade impaled inside of tundra[/b] "You...you know there is a...blade...my blade...Impaling you...right now..."
Edited by Mango: 6/25/2016 6:21:34 PMOh, there is? [i]*looks down at blade*[/i] Oh! There is! [i]*kicks you in the leg*[/i]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 6/25/2016 7:01:59 PM[b]Tesuto falls forward, but uses Tundra as a counter balance, pulling out his blade and keeping himself stable. He flicks the blood off of it, and readies. [/b]
[i]*unslings snow*[/i] Whup. [i]*holds down trigger*[/i]
[spoiler]You are giving me nothing to go on here pal[/spoiler]
Edited by Mango: 6/25/2016 8:20:07 PM[spoiler]these bullets are considerably slower than coin's, sidestep and go for my limbs or something[/spoiler]Bio?[spoiler][b]Name:[/b] Leon "Tundra" Polaris [b]Age:[/b] 46 [b]Height:[/b] 6'4" [b]Weight:[/b] 260 lbs [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Other Details:[/b]His helmet is not the one shown in the picture. He also doesn't have a staff. Jet black hair. Grey eyes. Caucasian. Has a raspy voice, but still smooth. Please note: 3/4 of his organs are cybernetic. He's been in a lot of battles and has had a lot of replacements. As such, he doesn't really feel much pain in the torso. [b]Background:[/b]Born in a remote Arctic base, he lived with his parents, hunting seals and protecting Canada's borders from the Russian threat. A soldier in the Great Nuclear War, he fought for his country, but eventually he had to leave the barren world. After being put into cryo-sleep, his ship traveled in the vast void of space, eventually landing on New Terra, hundreds of years after the war. Now working as a vigilante, he travels the planet, looking for his next job. [b]Weaponry / Abilities:[/b][b][url=https://imgur.com/AnsOMfm]Thermal Visor Arctic Helmet[/url][/b] Helmet is just like shown above, only painted red with a red stripe down the middle. In the centre of the stripe, is a maple leaf insignia. The visor turns silver, pulsating red when the thermal sensor activates. [b][url=https://imgur.com/phUh38S]Snow[/url][/b] The LMG is like shown above, only the blue is replaced with red, the the grey with white. It fires superheated rounds designed to punch through the thickest armour. Fires at 4RPS. Can be swung over back by a strap. [b][url=https://imgur.com/cOIX5NV]Flamer[/url][/b] A one-handed weapon, this flamethrower can shoot 5 metres away and is hot enough to melt titanium. [b][url=https://imgur.com/tdKXAMo]Canadian Military Tundran Coat[/url][/b] Tundra's coat extends past his knees and rests around his ankles, looking more like a trench coat. His coat is air-conditioned, as he doesn't want to leave behind his only possession from his family, and his planet. It's lined with kevlar, which is in turn micro-infused with titanium alloy. It can change white for enhanced camouflage in winter environments. The gloves can be heated, up to the point where a punch can sear flesh on impact. [b][url=https://imgur.com/bMG6u77]Appalachian[/url][/b] Tundra's AI, she pilots his ship, but is really just his companion. Essentially sentient, she wasn't always that way. She was upgraded by a pair of traveling aliens, Brave and Management. She looks like she does in the picture, only her reds are brighter and her "goggles" are a bright white. [b][url=https://imgur.com/AvJ1nd9]Mountie[/url][/b] His spacecraft, this ship is capable of slipspace. It can be used for space battles or just for travel. The back bay is his [url=https://imgur.com/Odh8CJW]bedroom.[/url] But, the room cuts off just before the ladder. And, instead of a computer, the back bay. He keeps his LMG on the floor, or leaning up against a wall. The window port is not there. He has a closet (just below the bed) where he keeps his armour and satchel. Unseen, is the door to the cockpit. The ship is painted red, white and grey.[/spoiler]
[b]Tesuto rolls in order to dodge the hail of gunfire. He swings his blade, sending a wave of fire towards his foe[/b] [b]Some of the shots find their place in his ankle as he rolls.[/b]
Edited by Mango: 6/25/2016 9:03:03 PM[b]tundra is hit by the wave of fire, but his coat was designed to take plumes of fire on the arctic front fire continues burning on his coat he cracks his knuckles again, and his gloves light up he's resistant to fire, but perhaps something else may cripple him[/b]
[b]Tesuto gets in close, and starts to slash Tundra in a frenzy with both of his blades.[/b]