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Edited by RynoTheTurtle: 6/25/2016 3:58:04 AM

Let's talk: Fabian Strategy

Fabian is the most underwhelming exotic since Nechrochasm pre-buff


Fabian is underwhelming but not the worst


Fabian Strategy is good in the right hands


Fabian Strategy is too powerful. Nerf please


[url=]Planet Destiny Fabian Strategy Review, Post Buff[/url] I'm glad Planet Destiny has just done another review on this gun after the buff. In my opinion this gun has been the most underwhelming exotic in the game. When it was first revealed, I was happy to see Titans get another exotic auto rifle and (what I thought at the time) had decent overall perks. Then I got it. Took it to the crucible and cried as I was dominated by most other exotics. It was outplayed by most legendary autos that even had similar perks but had more ammo, stability, and range. Hakke itself is an underwhelming weapon manufacturer. All autos are outplayed by Suros as well as the pulse rifles, shotguns don't have enough range and impact to play in the "Meta" and don't even get me started on those crappy snipers (excluding the Stillpiercer) which are outplayed by every sniper ever. Every sidearm besides 4 in the game are Hakke and I prefer the sidearms with the highest stability (Iron Wreath and Queen's Choice) I hope Bungie can take a look into this. I wish Hakke overall could get a advantage over the other manufacturers in some way. They are cool looking guns but terrible weapons to use in both PvE and PvP. The Fabian Strategy would be a good place to go back to the drawing board and find something makes Hakke weapon a Hakke weapon

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  • Fabian strategy? Never heard of it.[spoiler]Kappa[/spoiler]

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  • Hey meow my Tamar-d won't be having that mess lol. But seriously fabian strategy needs a buff.

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  • Edited by Ethrad: 6/26/2016 4:53:11 PM
    [quote]This weapon has increased handling, stability and rate of fire when enemies are close.[/quote] So that's the original perk, lets make it a bit more interesting … [quote]This weapon has increased handling, stability and rate of fire when enemies are close. Shots fired when enemies are close may be replaced in the magazine from your reserves.[/quote] Now that sounds like fun, but maybe we could add a bit more here … [quote]This weapon has increased handling, stability and rate of fire when enemies are close. Shots fired when enemies are close may be replaced in the magazine from your reserves. Taking damage while aiming down sights replenishes your grenade energy.[/quote] Perfect, but a revision to wording might help clear a few issues people may be having … [quote]This weapon has increased handling, stability and rate of fire when enemies are close. Shots fired while Frontlines is active may be replaced in the magazine from your [u]reserves[/u]. Taking damage while aiming this weapon [u]reduces[/u] your grenade [u]cooldown[/u].[/quote] Extra emphasis never hurt.

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    15 Replies
    • I think a big stability increase would fix it. Bungo needs to do this

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    • The Fabian needs to be completely reworked. There's just nothing good about that gun and it makes me really sad. The Immobius kind of blows too.

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      5 Replies
      • The Tlaloc doesn't lose any impact when it's rate of fire goes up, why not apply the same thing to Fabian Strategy? 100 ROF and 8 impact when up close, it would make the weapon truly unique and worthy of an exotic slot.

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        • Hakke guns were supposed to be the high impact manufactured guns but they have no ammo, no range, and omg the recoil on these guns are crazy. Thus is why the suros are just better guns in destiny, what they don't have in perks they have in stats

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        • I have this gun and after using it quickly saw no advantage to this weapon. The accuracy is terrible and I kept finding myself reloading this weapon after a kill. I still have it in my vault but I see no reason to ever use it. It is a terrible weapon.

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        • I had ptsd after using that weapon fir 30 seconds. I was crying in a corner for 6 days.

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        • It's terrible, just terrible.

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        • But i like the hakke snipers :(

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          • 7
            For a PvE buff I would suggest to add "While Frontlines is active firing this weapon uses ammo from reserve instead of the magazine" as well as a general stat buff, it most likely wouldn't have a huge effect on PvP but would make it (more) useable in PvE

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            • I think titans should only be able to shoulder charge if they have this gun equipped. That bungie is how you balance a game.

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              • I would love to say "nerf it to the ground" but even I have standards.

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                • I'm trying to think of the 4 sidearms that aren't hakke, because I can only think of 3.

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                  2 Replies
                  • I got killed by this weapon once so obviously its OP

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                  • I got my husk @ lvl 8 but still no crux :( So I can't answer

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                  • Unless this weapon gets an improvement, it stays in the vault.

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                  • Bump.

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                  • Sorry i had to vote for the too thing to get the 69%

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                  • I agree with everything, except what you said there at the end. Hakke can be exceptionally dominant in pve. I actually prefer hakke in pve over most suros weapons. I mean, duh the sidearms destroy in pve and are undefeated in pvp. Hakke shotties are actually pretty good in pvp and excel in pve. The auto rifles are not great in pvp but do wonders in pve. This is because hakke auto rifles are better at longer ranges whilst most suros auto rifles can't compete at a decently long range (long range for auto rifles). Hakke snipers are good. Not the best by any means, but good. I find that they lack in ammo capacity. Other than that they are pretty reliable snipers in pve. I would never use them in pvp. They're just not fast enough. There's my 2 cents.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Edited by magburner: 6/25/2016 6:55:08 PM
                      The other day, some Titan kept killing me with this weapon, much to my annoyance. So I would say that Fabian Strategy is good, in the right hands.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I would love to see its exotic ability be completely reworked to be about the weapon's front ballistic shield. As far as I can tell, those armor plates mounted on the rifle are the only unique thing about it. It would make sense to have the weapon's unique exotic perk feature them. A simple armor boost, a modified version of the guerrilla fighter perk that activates when ADS, taking reduced splash damage while holding the weapon, or taking less damage from the front would all be excellent ways to go about doing this.

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                        • The only reason I use the hakke snipers is due to surplus being a rollable perk

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                        • Whoever sais the fabien strategy is op and needs a nerf I have one thing to tell you. You are awesome xD

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