"Please, just call me Ling. I am merely an Inquisitor. It has been a pleasure meeting you Sir."
He said, bowing back.
"Then please, call me Valerius. It would be unjust to have you title me, Ling." He looks out one of the windows. "I see your Techpriest friend is already getting accustomed to our loadouts..."
"Yes, while he did come with me I dislike him. Well now anyways, he really hasn't been useful recently to say the least." He replied.
It seemed that they focused their efforts around rapid vehicles. Predators, Land Raiders, Speeders, a few dreadnoughts modified for speed and even a few Imperial Knights. "Ah, well, Techpriests aren't known for their quality company..."
"That is true...That is an impressive Armory you have there." [i]More so impressive than mine to say the least....[/i]
"We've accumulated many across the years. Not only that, but we actively use technology salvaged from the battlefield. Tau, Eldar, we take what we find and use it."
"My sector never got lucky with the Xenos tech. Though we only just recently arrived on the ship.. with no memory of how we got here."
"Seems to be a recurring problem here..."
"Indeed." [spoiler]I think this should just end right here, we're not getting anywhere with this.[/spoiler]