Finally do away with the light level? The fact that light on weapons dictates not only your offence but defence as well is stupid, same with armour.
Why not just have your armour give you an over all armour value? Three types of armour: light (warlock), medium (hunter) and heavy (titan)
Each type of armour gives different defence values, with heavy giving the most. This would only affect PvE.
Weapons would have a damage value and that value would not be an average of all three weapons equipped, just the sole value of the weapon on hand.
Remember the KISS principle Bungie: Keep It Simple Stupid
While the armour idea is a good one. Unfortunately the difference in class abilities isn't enough for it to be a viable option. Given that all weapons can be used by all classes. I feel most people would swap to Titan to also capitalise on the higher armour
I don't know long you've been here but this light level mechanic is well balanced and it's far simpler than what it was
Been here since the beginning and it's been a stupid concept from the get go