... I decided to hop on Destiny again. I had a dozen or so sterling treasures waiting for me at the Postmaster and got my first two pieces of Desolate armor, woo. As per usual procedure after not playing Destiny for so long, I wondered why I had such bad memories of the Crucible. After all, I'm not THAT bad at FPS games, I can handle myself given even ground. So I hopped onto the weekly Crucible playlist for another Spectre glo - I mean sterling treasure, got into a game... and got struck across the face with a sudden realization. Destiny only has a field of view of 65 at 30 FPS and no other option but a controller for input. After such a shocking revelation, I retreated to a corner to sob away my woes, refusing to accept this Destiny. (lel puns)
tl;dr I suck at consoles when can we have PC Destiny
pls Bungie
Bungie plz
My only issue is that PC presents a whole new slew of issues for Bungie after they finally dropped legacy consoles. Mods are one thing but the amount of hacking and having to moderate and deal with that would be pretty time consuming.