At first glance this little toy boasts terrible stats overall and can't even max out its range with aggressive balistics and rifled barrel. So what's the point?
Every gun in this game has a handling time (how steady it shoots while aiming and moving), ready time (time between pulling it out and being able to shoot), and aiming time (time it takes to look down the sights). All these stats are probably maxed on this gun.
This gun readies instantly. Meaning it fires as soon as I see it on my screen, it aims down the sights instantly, and it moves wicked fast. What does this mean? It means that I can pull out this gun, aim it snd shoot it before you can even ready your party crasher and Conspiracy Theory it means that while I'm shooting you in can pull this out right in meelee range and kill you. It means I can pull it out and shoot you before you get that second meelee off.
So is this a good gun? I think so. But I wanted to share this
I think they need to fix the ui, because as bad as bungie logic can be I seriously doubt they're make a gun with such shitty stats across the board.