Video says it all. The rally was for a neo Na[i][/i]zi movement. There were 30 something N[i][/i]azis peacefully rallying under thier first admendment rights and then hundreds of left wing nut cases attacked them. Several stabbed and even some of the media were attacked.
I am not a N[b][/b]azi nor a supremacist. But God damnit I'll fight for your right to be one. But This horseshit of attacking others with differing opinions? Who are the real facist?
The rhetoric this orginizer uses is appalling and disgraceful. I never thought I'd be ashamed to call me and another person Americans.
But God damnit all you lefty anti freedom socialist facist and your stupidity. This is Socila Justice. This is Communism this is Facism.
This isn't America.
Eayyyy mother-blam!-ers
Edite: Seeing people actually defend the attackers disgust me. I thought we were the land of the free not the facist.
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Edited by Destiny: 6/30/2016 7:46:53 AMGood. They were Na[b]z[/b]is. In my opinion they got what they deserved.
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Anytime you have a sign that says "THE ONLY GOOD ____ IS A DEAD ONE," it is wise to stop and very seriously consider that you may be the bad guy. ESPECIALLY if you claim you're doing it for tolerance.
Edited by Autolycus: 6/28/2016 8:21:06 PMTo become the very thing you sought to destroy, that is your curse.
Is it communism or fascism? Stop using big words if you don't know what they mean.
No, na[u][/u]zis are still fascists.
Too bad they all didn't just stab themselves
[i]But they're [b]NAZÎS[/b][/i]
Edited by superassassin364: 6/29/2016 4:43:57 PMThis is one of the few things I am really disappointed in my own party over. People like the kkk, [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url], fundamentalists, and conservative extremists deserve to be debated and have their views challenged just like everyone else, but it shouldn't ever be done with violence. Otherwise, we become the very thing we fight, just like how giving in to hatred and depriving people of their natural rights based on their religion would make us hardly any better than the terrorists. People attacking others for their beliefs doesn't justify you attacking others for their beliefs, and I'm talking about both violent liberals and violent conservatives. [spoiler]just my two cents even though some people will just generalise me as a violent person just for being liberal.[/spoiler]
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I hate ńáźíś and ńéóńáźíś but I would defend them if they were attacked when protesting peacefully. Just because someone is wrong doesn't mean you can hurt them. They are well within the law.
Updated thread out now!!
Edited by US Rbl: 6/29/2016 12:51:23 AMDoes anyone remember what [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] stand for? There ideology? There history? Those defending [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url]'s are confused about what is freedom. You need to do some homework and make a good judgement call. I don't think attacking them was the solution. But for all we know it was the neo [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url]'s who began the aggression, and they lost. I can't even write N4zis because no one likes them.
Anti-fascists that attack people who don't agree with them are not anti-fascist
These people should not have been attacked. Assault is a felony and the perps should be tried for it. However, speaking as a former soldier, I took a vow once to protect and defend certain principles and ideals. Freedom of speech, religion, press, gun ownership and so on. I also took a vow to defend the principle of the equality of human beings. Free speech is a right, but there is a responsibility inherit in that right. Speech is probably the most powerful tool in the human arsenal. It can move people to accomplish great things. However, it can also be used to accomplish terrible deeds and therefor should not be used lightly. One of the reasons so much has gotten out of hand with gun laws and control is that people have lost sight of the fact that these rights that we zealously defend have responsibilities attached to them and a lot of people seem to have forgotten that.
Copypasta of my response to a similar thread [quote]I value free speech, even if the speech is ignorant and/or bigotted, the KKK members weren't doing anything wrong but voicing their opinion The 'Progressives' are in the wrong here for attacking these people on no basis other than their word[/quote]
I will always have respect for [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url] [i]in that they united the world against a common enemy[/i]. What the hell have liberals ever united? Select groups of people who subscribe to their beliefs; and if you're part of one of those groups but don't subscribe you're self-hating and intolerant. And they do this all under the guise of bringing peace to the world.
if you ain't right, you ain't right!
sumthin bad was gonna happen neo naz!s believe in ideals which as per the 14th amendment are considered [b][i][u]hate crimes[/u][/i][/b] should they themselves have the right to protest yes however their group's mission statement is in direct violation of the 14th amendment making their entire group an unconstitutional cult as defined by the Constitutional Republic of the United States as both unconstitutional and thus actually somewhat illegal.
This is just another example of the cancer that is the PC community.
Edited by U6757109: 6/28/2016 10:24:52 PMConservatism is a disease and those nazís got what they deserve.
I dont think violence was the answer But if i had to pick a side it would be a clear one. One wants to exclude based on appearance and set labels. The other is about inclusion and is only "intolerant" to those in a optional organizarion that are intolerant to those that didnt choose what they were. Good on califorina. The Dali Lama was right when he came to the US last week and said CA showed promise to creating a tolerant society. Too bad it has weeds of supremacists left.
[quote]Neo [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url][/quote] [quote]Leftist[/quote] What's the difference?
[quote] I am not a N[b][/b]azi nor a supremacist. But God damnit I'll fight for your right to be one. [quote] This guy gets it^