First off, let me say that I am no crucible wiz. I'm painfully average at best. I hate hand cannons, and hate TLW so much. I hate using it, I hate getting killed by it, and I hate that I didn't use this gun to finish the Jolly Holliday quest before it got nerfed. I literally stood right in front of a friend I got matched up with by chance in a Control match. Only 2 out of 8 shots made contact from a 6 foot distance. If the bounty didn't make kills detract from the percentage, it wouldn't be so bad, but I'm never going to finish this quest of I have to continue to have to have a gun equipped that couldn't even hit water if it fell out of a boat.
If you are really struggling to get it done grab 2 friends go to classic rumble and lock down part of the map, have your mates let you kill them and clear up any randoms aswell. Shouldn't take many games This can also work for your crucible sword kills