Firstly this is a small rant on why I hate crucible matchmaking when playing alone.
Second please think about any argument you have before commenting
And Third Let me know if you feel the same way I do
Is it just me and all my friends or does matchmaking in team games unfairly put the odds against you? I've been playing Destiny crucible since its launch and have seen it time and time again.
I get it, skilled based matchmaking is a thing. But isn't it a little unfair when a relatively strong team is pitted against you and your random team who every time play like they just had several amateur lobotomies? It's actually absurd to expect I single maybe a pair of decently skilled players to carry a team of chimpanzees to victory against a team of players who are using good weapons and all have roughly the same skill level as you.
This is totally not fair for anyone in my eyes.
Not all people have friends who play Destiny anymore or even crucible for that matter and they shouldn't be punished if they want to play a team game on their own and basically be told by matchmaking "Ok we know from your record your an extremely good player, so we're making things a bit trickier and giving you some low skilled players so you can carry them to an easy victory"
"But-" I hear you all say "why not play trials of Osiris? The matchmaking puts connection first before skill and you only need two more people"
Here's the problem I have with that argument
1. You NEED 2 more players to even enter
2. It gets harder and harder as you win
3. Trials of Osiris can actually be stressful and full of try hards
And 4. It only comes on the weekends
I'm not trying to brag when I say I find myself constantly in the top 2-3 in most crucible games I play but still lose because my team drags me down as I'm forced to fight ridiculously stupid odds like 4 to 1 as my 3 other team members ran out and died immediately.
I love playing crucible even when I get annoyed sometimes by repetitive weapons appearing in my death screen. What I don't like is when I'm forced to carry others and barely squeeze out a victory because I get 25-30+ kills in a game while the guy under me only gets 10.
Bungie I love doing trials I really do. The best part about it is the randomness of its matchmaking coupled with its focus on connection based matchmaking. But I really hate being forced to play nothing but rumble because I can't win a match in team games because the rest of my team either gets stomped by the enemy or doesn't play the objective and sometimes both.
I really want you Bungie to try finding a way to split the good players from the bad. Like making two full teams of bad players play against one another and vice versa for skilled players.
Enough of this mixing the skill levels stuff and make the competitive scene more fair for everyone. Not just in weapon balancing.
I agree SBMM is flawed, BUT it's still better than CBMM. They should just do it like halo did. Everyone in the game should be relatively close in terms of skill. In a perfect world every game should come down to who clutches at the end, This all my opinion though