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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/29/2016 4:57:17 AM
Blackburn rolled up his sleeves and ran his fingers through his hair. Sleep was a far off thing, for one he was hungry, for another something was preventing him from getting much of it. Like a bad dream he couldn't remember, it was weird, he'd once been able to sleep anywhere, Slab of concrete, no problem, in the grass with a bottle for a pillow, Childs play. He knew he wouldn't sleep well now, so he exited his billet. He strolled along the pathways of general quarters and towards the local bar. He saw a few of the people he'd led to general quarters, a few of the pretty ones held his attention for more than a brief moment. But he didn't make any serious moves. Not tonight, that is what he told himself, almost every night for that matter, it wasn't a problem of scarcity, he was a good looking SOB, wasn't interest, he heard that eldar could be wild in bed, he shook his head, he guessed it was just the environment. Active warzones changed him. He sat down in his booth with a bottle of stout, he tried to remember his home. It had been three years, nine months, and twenty one days since he'd last seen it. He pictured the gradual green slopes, the old roads that few used, the quaint towns and villages. It was peaceful, but he'd missed this life, war. It was all he knew, and he knew he'd missed it. So when the IAMC needed marines he volunteered, and that was that. To everyone else, he was just a marine, in a bar, sipping beer, staring off into space and scanning his environment every so often. [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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  • Someone who then entered the bar definitely caught his attention. Simply due to the fact that he was gigantic. The Reptilian man was almost ten feet in height he guessed, and larger than a space marine. His smooth-looking scales were an ashy white-grey, his eyes were a polar blue, and he had some scars on him. His tail trailed behind his back. He was completely muscle. He had a perfectly, outrageously almost, toned body. He wore clothes that had to have been made just for him, due to his size. Some people at the bar looked at him curiously, wondering what the hell was that gigantic man. The bartender, however, smiled as if his own son had just entered. He spoke. [i]"Roderick, my boy! Come in!"[/i] The large man stepped forward with a smile, and spoke with his grovely, sultry voice. "Hello, Regie." People moved out of the way for him, and he sat down at a stool in the corner, it was a lot larger than the others. Most likely he was a usual customer. However... the bar tender simply gave him a glass of water.

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  • He shrugged. Large lizard men were not common at all, but he was just minding his own business, no threat there. Besides, he didn't care like some of the more Puritan imperials, a man was judged by his character not his race.

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  • Since the night was beginning, the bar's special activity began. A little circuit of ring fighting. A fair ring was settled in the center of the wide room, with plenty of space. Volunteers were asked to enter the circuit, looking for brave (or drunken) men to enter and test their might.

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  • Edited by General Percival: 6/29/2016 5:30:21 AM
    He sighed, what the hell, women loved when men displayed their skill in combat, and the more he drank the more taking home a woman from the bar sounded like a good idea. He entered and found that he held a distinct advantage in training and bio augmentation. He won his first three matches.

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  • For now, blackburn was tonight's rising star. He was rapidly climbing the ladder, all the way to the top. His opponents grew progressively more difficult, however, becoming more of a challenge with each contestant.

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  • His latest opponent was a space marine who had decided he wanted to put the up start marine in his place. He gave Blackburn a run for his money, but eventually luck provided the opening he needed to win. He knew he was tiring, he debated whether or not to go another round, or simply bow out while he was ahead.

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  • He had reached the final ladder. One last champion was left. The announcer grabbed the mic hanging from the ceiling. "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight has been a night of surprise and excitement as our new rising star has climbed the ranks of our circuit! He has remained undefeated so far, and is now reaching for the title of champion!" A part of the crowd cheered, mostly because they had gotten a good show. "But, can he take on our current champion..?" The crowd grew silent. "You all know him well... coming in at Ten point five feet tall, weighing in at over one Ton, our undefeated Monster, the smasher of Adamantine, the Unbreakable... Roderick the Titan!" The ground shook slightly as the mighty reptile came out of the small gym at the back, wearing naught but his boxing shorts. He approached the ring, and the crowd cheered him on as he approached the ring. He stepped over the elastic cables of the ring, and towered over Blackburn. He spoke. "You had your fun, but I think its time you went home." He was... well, intimidating is a very serious understatement.

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  • "Oh -blam!- me." The marine whispered to himself. "See why couldn't you have been polite about it, I was actually thinking about that but then you had to go and be rude. Now I've got no Choice but to kick your ass." The marine had been moving slowly towards the ropes when all this had taken place, but now it was like he was fresh and ready to fight.

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  • "Well then, seems you don't want to be civil about it. Time I taught you a lesson." Roderick took his stance, fists raised, legs separated.

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  • "You're the one being rude." The marine began to circle the lizard, he was larger, which meant he was probably stronger than the marine, but it also guaranteed he wasn't nearly as fast.

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  • Or so the Marine thought. It would be wise not to underestimate this opponent. Roderick tracked the marine, always facing him.

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  • Although, beating the marine wouldn't bring the lizard man any fame or glory. If he was as strong and fast as was claimed the people wouldn't care that he won, since that's what he always did. If he lost however, they'd never let him forget it. The marine couldn't lose, either way, he would be applauded, for beating the reigning champ or for being brave enough to stand up to him. Both suited his purposes.

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  • Roderick needed no praise. He had already recieved plenty of praise, and the happiness of all who had bet against the Marine, which happened to be the majority of the patrons. If the marine would lose, he would simply have his name added to the long list of those unable to vanquish Roderick. After all, all of those the marine had beaten before were previous opponents of Roderick, including the space marine. He had already obtained his fame for defeating the supreme human being that was the former. His respect would go unscathed, but Blackburn's would remain to his status of new member. However, he would remain known as the one who reached the champion, but was unable to defeat him. "Not taking a swing? I suppose I will, then. Someone has to get this fight started." As blackburn kept circling around him, Roderick brought his massive fist into his gut coming from the direction he was moving into, and he did so with impressive speed. Speed Blackburn hadn't anticipated in the least. He hit with the force of a tank shell, enough to knock out anyone who wasn't augmented. I can suppose Blackburn was lucky there, as his body was flung into the cables like a ragdoll after the crippling blow.

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  • That had hurt, but had been revealing. His augmented body was already repairing the damage, the lizard man wouldn't be able to do that again, the marine ran forward and looked about to strike high, but the lizard man had seen him fight so he knew that the marine was bluffing. Problem was he hadn't known the marine was double bluffing, instead of targeting the legs of his opponent as he'd done previously, he kept his original target. The neck, the marine flung himself up to the lizards neck, avoiding the counter blow intended to knock him away. His boot hit the lizards neck with great force, more than the smaller man should have been able to summon. He kicked off the lizard and back onto the ground, a fair distance away ready for another attack.

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  • The boots had struck him in the neck, but... Roderick barely budged. If anything, he had only moved his head forward an inch. He blinked. "Heheheh..." Roderick grinned, a gripping fear took hold in the Marine, as he realized his attack had done absolutely nothing to damage him. So then, Roderick began circling around him again. In a single step, he had already closed the distance between him and Blackburn. With a sweep, he grabbed him by the foot, hauled him into the air with his head pointing down, and he smashed him into the floor. The impact was devastating. Blackburn could feel his bones had been smashed from within, with some ligaments torn. His healing would take a very long time to heal all of it, perhaps a week, if he was lucky. The wooden floor had caved in where he had smashed him into, blackburn was firmly wedged into the floor.

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  • Blackburn broke his own rib pulled it loose and slit the lizard man's throat. [spoiler]i too can write bs.[/spoiler]

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  • He was too weak to get up on his own. [spoiler]if you want to fall to that level, I'm not going to follow you. You lost that match, not my fault you can't accept it.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]kinda, when I only get one attack, and you automatically best a trained fighter with one blow. We were already at a low level. Remember I'm an admin too, so this won't fly with me. It's also why I stick to PVE because people want to dictate how my character acts and his skill.[/spoiler]

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