[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/207799415/0/0]You may or may not remember my thread which I made yesterday, in which I informed you all of an attack on peaceful ralliers. [/url]
Recap: The rally was for a neo n[i][/i]azi movement. However they did have the proper permits and permissions to rally. As well as the 1st admendment backing them up.
Around 30 n[i][/i]azis were rallying and upwards of 400 [i]anti facist[/i] from the BAM (By Any Means) group attacked and stabbed the peaceful protest.
Now then the video I had linked in the last thread was of a raw interview of the BAM organizer admitting to starting the confrontation. Now many in the thread said they weren't sure whoel started it or that they deserved it. One even argued that the poor Asian lady was attacked.
So here in this video we have some raw and rough footage of the attacks. Here we see a n[i][/i]azi walling around with some flag and he is attacked. Using his flag for defense and running back to riot police [b][i][u]WHO DO NOTHING[/u][/i][/b].
Then we see our poor innocent Asain lady (the organizer) come up to him with other [i]anti facist[/i] and START ATTACKING HIM IN FRONT OF THE POLICE!! Of course the cops only intervein when the man is on the ground being curb stomped by facist for being a facist.
[quote]I am not a N[b][/b]azi nor a supremacist. But God damnit I'll fight for your right to be one.[/quote]
What a time to be alive.
Eayyyy mother-blam!-ers
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We should just round up both sides and drop them in the middle of the ocean.
So. Im going to take a play out of republican canidate and multiple supporters arguments If only the jews did this to the white supremacists over in germany, the holocaust wouldnt have happened (Ben carsons "if the jews had guns the holocaust woudnt have happened)
Edited by Purgatori: 6/29/2016 7:12:41 PMIt wasn't a n.a.z.i rally it was a white nationalist rally. White nationalists are against forced diversity and forced multiculturalism that is going on in the white countries for the purpose of eliminating white people. The other side that showed up to deliberately start the fight are far left self proclaimed communists. The nationalists also had a permit for their peaceful protest. You need a permit to protest in this country now, unless you belong to an anti-white hate group that will incite riots and looting then you don't need a permit..... . That should tell everyone something.
Edited by arosa-gti: 6/29/2016 11:45:39 PMThey weren't neo n4zis you ignorant -blam!-. I hate when people uses the words "n4zi" and "racist" indiscriminately.
Just because the law allows something does not mean it's right. [spoiler]just putting this here[/spoiler] [spoiler]not starting an argument [/spoiler]
[quote]anti facist[/quote] Horseshoe theory is a bitch, ain't it?
ITT: it's ok to kill peaceful protestors when I don't like what they stand for, but how dare you shoot the gays !
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No idea what twp is the guy didn't look like a skinhead but regardless the only fascists I've seen is the left especially sjws
I don't agree with their views, but suppressing someone's right to free speech by administering violence to them is lower than being labeled a nàzi. Not only that, the police "protecting" the protest should be ashamed of themselves. I know I would be if I was family members of one of those gentleman supposedly protecting innocent civilians.
You have a right to peacefully protest and spread your message of hate and bigotry and I have a right to deliver to you a knuckle-sandwich.
Did you finally get more than 50 replies on a topic so you're going to beat this dead horse until it stops spitting up attention?
Edited by Britton: 6/29/2016 5:39:05 PMI support the right to punch n[i][/i]azi's
I'm gonna say this. This is 100% how I feel. [i][b]Good.[/b][/i]
Which state is it that has the "stand your ground" law? Does this kinda shit happen there?
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They're [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url]??? Do you remember what they did?
You again? Guess you didn't learn anything yesterday . Are you a [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url]? Seems like it, with how much you are defending them. Nothing will change. You may change some ppls minds, but not def not the majority. [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] will never win.
The [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] should have shot them.