Solo player looking to join a clan. I'm a really laid back person and can get along with anyone. I play destiny pretty much everyday.
Bunch of Jackasses in a Circle was started by Joisternater20 and NonOffensiveID1, and we found Darknite soon after. We just got along great and we want others to have that same opportunity. Our clan likes to just have fun, whatever we're doing. Our only request is that if you or anyone joins us, that you try and communicate within the group. If someone joins expecting to make friends without trying, please read no further. There are no interviews, no test sessions, no burning clan mates out, no "do it for the clan" crap. We frequently change our name for laughs and to change things up. We're looking for guardians who have been left behind for whatever reason or those who are returning to the game. Our main connection is playing around 10 pm EST. Although, we do play at other hours. Ultimately, we want to be a clan where people can sign on and find people that want to do an activity, get along, and have fun doing it. I am hoping I can gather enough guardians in the next few weeks, so groups can build chemistry, and clan mates won't be scouring the forums looking for a team. We are looking for fun, helpful, players that do whatever. Looking for players that like to help out in return for getting help, showing others how to get better. We are not looking for players that want to get carried through everything, with no desire to improve, and not return the favor. Not looking for the players that have to do everything in a raid, we like to share important roles and help each get better at those parts. If this sounds like you, please join us.