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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/30/2016 4:37:12 AM
Within the Sacred Grove, the Jade Dragons stirred. While the human gardeners were away at their fields, they could see that the marines were uneased, unrested. Something was about. And to the warriors that passed in the area, they could tell what was happening. A battle was to come. And it seemed to put the brave warriors on edge. Something was amiss... perhaps they were in need of help again. Perhaps another great battle was abound. Or something otherwise... [spoiler]that part was for those on the bloodwrath looking for something to do. Go investigate. Open to all.[/spoiler] Meanwhile, back in his realm, the Prince of Discord watched anxiously through his bay window at the rolling hills beneath his castle. Something was disturbing the usually calm man. A dark priest of the mechanicus entered the room. His shadowy, murky tentacles rolled him along the floor, is robes hiding the rest of his body. It was as if he floated above the ground. Upon his entrance, Noiratrom turned his head to face him, his muzzle casting a shadow upon the smaller man. "Pontiff. You bear news?" [quote]Yes, my Lord. Good news. The machines are nearly all ready. Our allies have proved most resourceful...[/quote] The shady being spoke in a twisted mechanical voice. It was as if he hadn't recieved the cleansing blessings of Noiratrom. Or perhaps, had he refused them by choice? [quote]... They will be ready for war. And thanks to our advanced facilities, more will be prepared, at a brisker pace.[/quote] Noiratrom turned his face back towards the glass, looking out to his kingdom. "Good. Have them ready to march immediately. I fear he may strike at any moment... and the longer this conflict would go, the stronger he would only get. We must make this swift and effective. Otherwise... this may have all been for nothing." [spoiler]for Vaax, basically. I mean... I don't know who else would be part of his royal caste.[/spoiler] And so, the Pontiff took his leave, to return to the dark depths of his mechanicus lair. While Noiratrom stood before the window, he seemed to enter deep thought, as if searching within himself for something. Searching the depths of the soul pit that was his inner mind. Weaving through the sea of power, he found a single presence. A power he once wrought, but a soul he was unable to claim. But this soul... he would need it. Not for himself, no. But as an ally. And so, using this power, he beckoned the spirit to him. He flashed his mind through the depths of the warp to find this being. Within the formless soul pools of Tzeentch, a single soul was disturbed. That of the wizard Feryun. His body was naught, all that remained was his consciousness. [i][u]"Awaken, wizard. Your time has returned."[/u][/i] [spoiler]this last part, it's for Shulk.[/spoiler]

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  • After his long talk with Noiratrom, Feryun decided he should probably detour from the intended West Tower. No harm in it honestly, he thought. Feryuns steps slightly echoed across the Palace halls as he walked around. He was intrigued by the cleanliness of the Palace.

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  • Especially for a place floating around in the heaping cesspool that is the warp. Seriously. Fuсk that place. It was clean and shit, I don't know. Not a lot of people were in it. It's a castle after all. After a while I guess, Feryun ended up downstairs.

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  • Chaos is fücktarded. Feryun, expecting something edgy, creepy or fücked up. possibly all three, he entered the downstairs.

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  • It was quite dark, but still dimly lit. However, it wasn't grimdark or edgy. It was still sort of clean. But this part of the castle had a whole different vibe to it. Something more... ominous? Grand? The only way to know was to venture deeper into satan's asshole.

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  • [spoiler]bump[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Anonymous: 6/30/2016 5:29:44 AM
    "You call upon me? Even after my treachery? How long has it been, Millenia? or maybe days..I lack the knowledge of time." Feryun, though lacking a body still had his voice..strange. "Still a shame, I had hoped for a restful sleep within the soul pits of Tzeentch. I am surprised you even managed to pick me out.." The voice though, was different. Not the corrupted mess he was before. It was a normal but rough voice. "What do you want? I am near useless, for I lack a body."

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  • [i][u]"it has been a few months, if you were wondering."[/u][/i] His voice, too, was different. As if, unshackled by a greater power. As if he was a greater power. Had he actually achieved his quest? [i][u]"And as for your treachery... I pardon it. You were under the control of Tzeentch. Your actions were barely your own. And as much as I hate disturbing a resting soul... I have need of you. Now, more than ever."[/u][/i]

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  • Edited by Anonymous: 6/30/2016 10:31:36 AM
    "A few months..yet it has felt like ages and now you require me for something. There are some problems with that, the most obvious being I lack a physical form." He replied. "But..I do have one question. Slaanesh, is it dead?" Feryun had felt it happen, as did every denizen of the Warp. But he wanted to make sure.

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  • [i][u]"Yes. The prince is no more."[/u][/i] It was the truth. [i][u]"And by my hand."[/u][/i]

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  • "I doubt that you alone solely killed it." The Sorcerer responded. "But..I shall not dig into that no more, for I have received my answer. Now then..How do you plan on getting me back into the material realm exactly?"

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  • [i][u]"It is quite a complex process. When you had died, your soul still belonged to Tzeentch. But the power that rested within you was in my grasp. Now, using that power, I have tracked you, found your soul. If you will to return amongst us, you can pledge your soul to my realm, where I could transfer it into a body that was made specifically for you."[/u][/i]

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  • "..." Feryun took his time to think about this. "Fine, I do not have a reason not to. The Lords of Change here torment our souls constantly. I would prefer to be back in your realm than suffer a thousand years here."

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  • [i][u]"Then it is concluded."[/u][/i] Right from underneath the lord of change's nose, Feryun's soul was snagged. Sucked through a portal like a straw, his soul was warped across the warp into Noiratrom's Realm. Then, the soul was siphoned into a body. Feryun woke up as if he had just gone through a long, tornenting nightmare.

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  • His eyes shifted around the area that surrounded him. "After all this time, I am brought back for a single purpose." The former wizard took a look at his body. While it wasn't his old body, the one which he was fine tuned to, he could make it work. "I must be within Noiratroms Palace. No where else I could be..unless the bloodwrath. But that would not make sense."

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  • His body was entirely mechanical, yet not as brutish and bulky as, say, a rubric marine. His joints allowed for him to perform fluid movements like an organic being, while still being covered by thick armour. Whoever was Noiratrom's mechanic, he was a damn good one. He was about the same height as he was before, but now slightly larger.

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  • He moved his arms around, still getting used to his body. "This is certainly a second chance, but at what is the true question." Feryun told himself, He started walking around. "I should go see Noiratrom." He looked around for a exit, perhaps he could take this time to get used to be in a body once more.

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  • As he moved, the ground he stood on begun raising. The darkness let place for the light above his head, from two floor panels that had opened. His little pod rose from the floor and opened, revealing to him the outside world. He seemed to be in some kind of well maintained palace. He could breathe in the smell of freshly washed draperies and furniture... wait, he could smell? Odd...

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  • He took in the smell, he was confused to say the least. He had become a metal shell, yet he retained his sense of smell. Feryun slowly walked, taking in the cleanliness of the Palace. He was amazed to say the least, since he wasn't a batshit failure of a wizard anymore. "Finding him shouldn't be hard." He told himself once more as he traversed the Palace. "I wonder if whoever made this body gave me more senses besides sight and smell."

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  • Oh, he had it all. Touch, taste, hearing, everything. He was somewhat back to his old self. But simply... better. As he explored the room, the doors opened, and a figure stepped in. "I see you are getting used to your new body, are you not?" If Feryun had anything to say about Noiratrom now, is that he had changed. Dramatically. The man now stood fifty feet in height, and had a body composed of a multitude of different parts. Horns, wings, reptilian features, the man wasn't human anymore. The only human thing he had left were his origins, his memories and his mind. He wasn't clad in armour, instead wearing regal vestments.

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  • "It is different than being a bird like humanoid..but you have changed more than me. Alot more draconic." The wizard remarked. Though it would be improper to call him a sorcerer anymore. "But I should not judge, for you assisted me into the material realm once more and for that I thank you." He did a slight bow.

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  • "Well, I am afraid that I didn't bring you back simply out of charity. I have returned you to the living because I have dire need of you."

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  • "That was expected, What is it you brought me back for?" Feryun said to Noiratrom.

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  • "I have need of your knowledge. Of your expertise. After all, you were once a servant of Tzeentch. You know his secrets, the places he kept hidden. You know things about him that others don't. I have need of that knowledge."

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  • "That would be a challenge. You see Tzeentchs realm is ever changing, as does himself. I can still be useful, for I understand his logic within his own realm. But if you plan on facing him, it is death. All 79 of his Lords of Change will feast upon your mutated, grotesque corpse. I apologize for such details but it is the truth. Slaanesh was weak, Tzeentch however is a completely different story." He explained to Noiratrom. "Though I am sure you know of this, what are your intentions exactly?"

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  • "Defeating Tzeentch in a bout of strength is without any goal, I know this. The only way I could ever vanquish him would be to do so at his own game. With the mind. I need to know from you his secrets, if there are any artifacts he keeps hidden. They will be useful to add to the plan..."

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