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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/30/2016 4:37:12 AM
Within the Sacred Grove, the Jade Dragons stirred. While the human gardeners were away at their fields, they could see that the marines were uneased, unrested. Something was about. And to the warriors that passed in the area, they could tell what was happening. A battle was to come. And it seemed to put the brave warriors on edge. Something was amiss... perhaps they were in need of help again. Perhaps another great battle was abound. Or something otherwise... [spoiler]that part was for those on the bloodwrath looking for something to do. Go investigate. Open to all.[/spoiler] Meanwhile, back in his realm, the Prince of Discord watched anxiously through his bay window at the rolling hills beneath his castle. Something was disturbing the usually calm man. A dark priest of the mechanicus entered the room. His shadowy, murky tentacles rolled him along the floor, is robes hiding the rest of his body. It was as if he floated above the ground. Upon his entrance, Noiratrom turned his head to face him, his muzzle casting a shadow upon the smaller man. "Pontiff. You bear news?" [quote]Yes, my Lord. Good news. The machines are nearly all ready. Our allies have proved most resourceful...[/quote] The shady being spoke in a twisted mechanical voice. It was as if he hadn't recieved the cleansing blessings of Noiratrom. Or perhaps, had he refused them by choice? [quote]... They will be ready for war. And thanks to our advanced facilities, more will be prepared, at a brisker pace.[/quote] Noiratrom turned his face back towards the glass, looking out to his kingdom. "Good. Have them ready to march immediately. I fear he may strike at any moment... and the longer this conflict would go, the stronger he would only get. We must make this swift and effective. Otherwise... this may have all been for nothing." [spoiler]for Vaax, basically. I mean... I don't know who else would be part of his royal caste.[/spoiler] And so, the Pontiff took his leave, to return to the dark depths of his mechanicus lair. While Noiratrom stood before the window, he seemed to enter deep thought, as if searching within himself for something. Searching the depths of the soul pit that was his inner mind. Weaving through the sea of power, he found a single presence. A power he once wrought, but a soul he was unable to claim. But this soul... he would need it. Not for himself, no. But as an ally. And so, using this power, he beckoned the spirit to him. He flashed his mind through the depths of the warp to find this being. Within the formless soul pools of Tzeentch, a single soul was disturbed. That of the wizard Feryun. His body was naught, all that remained was his consciousness. [i][u]"Awaken, wizard. Your time has returned."[/u][/i] [spoiler]this last part, it's for Shulk.[/spoiler]

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