This isn't a last minute thing. Rise of iron won't come out in ten days. You ancients were given a multiple month warning and you should actually spend that time to either find a job or if you are underaged cut some lawns and work for it. You can earn well over the amount for a next gen console and then some for rise of iron. Hell it's even summer you dont have school so get off your hind end and work instead of complaining.
Here is a easy solution for you last gen people to get a new console.. Here are your options... 1. 90 days.. save $3 a day... 2. Trade in your last gen console... get around $65. Trade in Destiny.. $12. You just got a quick $77 towards your next gen console.. now it will cost you under $200
Nothing you say will be taken seriously... just because of that stupid name
Oh I'm going to upgrade Destiny just wont be my reason to do so tho
.... so me running naked in the street won't help? Man, did I guess wrong
90 days, save $3 a day, $270 and you've got a new console. It's simple really
They wont listen, most of them dont remembet when console went defunct. The next-generation console came out. They have been lucky so far.
These consoles have been out for a couple years already, its about time to move on anyways