Everyone's wish is for BUNGIE TO ACTUALLY FIX THIS GAME! "Patching" one problem only to create two more is not making the game better. How could you (bungie) have made halo, with zero problems, and then make this errors abound game you call destiny?!
Halo is also a lot older than Destiny, and Destiny is kind of a new IP. Destiny has a lot more player interaction than Halo did if im not mistaken, guns galore, armor that does stuff, the whole exotic thing. Its all new stuff that they are having to text out. Correct me if im wrong, but i dont recall a rocket launcher in Halo, that both tracked its enemies, and created tracking cluster bombs upon detonation. Nope. There were a few fancy weapons, like the needler, and plasma pistol, and stuff that had unique abilities. But no where near the sale that Destiny has. So mayhaps that is why there are some issues with Destiny even though Halo is nearly flawless. Because Destiny is new territory for them in many aspects, while Halo is a culmination of their experience
Halo had allot of issues just not this much