"Strange? I cannot con-" [b]As Nora speaks she seems to change. Reading your mind, she turns into your wife looking like (Insert look here)[/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar's wife appears to be younger, from her late 30s to her early 40s. She has long, slightly curly brown hair with patches of blonde in it, beautiful brown eyes, and a kind smile* Hey there -
"Hello darling."
Bramd - old
So, how've you been, where are the kids? *Assuming he had kids, otherwise this would be awkward* -
[b](Insert name here) is sleeping [/b]
Bramd - old
Oh, okay then... So, why don't we cuddle up on the couch and watch something on the TV? [spoiler]David and Katelyn, just for future stuff.[/spoiler] [spoiler] I'm expecting this to be in the late 90s.[/spoiler] -
[spoiler]However you wish [/spoiler] [b]The woman walks over to you and pulls you up on your feet. She leads you to the couch [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar follows, something about this woman seemed familiar, as well as the names of his kids. It took him a moment, but then he realized that this was his human mom. It all came back to him. His old name, between Gore and Mortar, from 1984 to 2003, was David, his sister Katelyn.* Let's do this. -
[b]The woman chuckles as she sits down [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar grabs the remote* Have you ever thought about how we met? [spoiler]you can do this part, never really thought of that part.[/spoiler] -
"I think about it everyday sweetheart. You are the love of my life."
Bramd - old
That's the reason why I loved you *Mortar said this in a light-hearted tone as he kissed her a little and turned on the TV.* -
"Ah. I can never get the day out of my head. My favorite part is how accidental it was."
Bramd - old
Yeah, the funnier part was that it definitely wasn't love at first sight -
"Oh yes." [b]She puts an arm around you [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar does the same as Full House comes on* Yeah, but marrying you was the best thing I've done. -
"You're to sweet!"
Bramd - old
You too... *After a few minutes, Mortar breaks away. It was nice to have a wife, but... the wife was his mom...* I'm getting kind of tired, I'm gonna say goodnight to the kids and go to bed. -
"Ah. Alright."
Bramd - old
*Mortar stands up and goes up the stairs. He checks on Katelyn, who is asleep, but Daniel is still awake, his blazing crimson eyes focused on a book.* -
"Hi dad." [b]He says without looking up [/b]
Bramd - old
Hey Mort-- Daniel. What's that book you're reading? -
[b]He sighs slightly as he puts a book mark in and closes the book [/b] "If I should go to bed just say so."
Bramd - old
Oh, no, keep reading if you'd like. I just kind of wanted to talk, about something that wouldn't be considered... Normal. Then again, I know that you're not normal. -
[b]David tilts his head and looks at you [/b] "Dad?"