Bramd - old
Wait, you've heard of Mortar? I only changed it in high school, around 2003... I apologize, what year is it? *Mortar was confused as hell, what the hell did Nora do?* -
"The year is 1274 dear. What do you mean you changed it? The ghastly being known as Mortar has been around for the past decade. He runs the bandits..."
Bramd - old
Wait, what the hell? *Mortar sighs* I know this seems weird, but can you describe this Mortar? Just asking. -
"Of course I can! He is short, very short. Like a dwarf almost! Actually he might be a dwarf..."
Bramd - old
Oh, okay... I have strange mixed emotions about this... on the one hand, I am not this Mortar, but another, who in this time zone is called Gore. But on the other hand, this "Mortar" is disgracing my name. *Mortar checks his shoulder, his symbol is still on his shoulder. This was relieving, any form he took, it would be there, and that could show this woman he wasn't crazy* -
[b]The woman seems utterly confused. When suddenly, the world seems to fade away. Now you stand outside a castle, holding a sword. There are hundreds of people standing behind you [/b] ?- SPEECH!
Bramd - old
Speech? Oh, um... *He looks around, a war seems to starting, he assumed* Words cannot mark this momentous occasion, so let's go in and kill shit! -
[b]The people go wild with enthusiasm as they start charging towards the gates [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar follows, sword in hand. He knows how to use it, so this is gonna be fun* -
[b]As you approach the gates, an explosion completely obliterates them, creating a door. As you charge inside, bandits meet and you start clashing [/b] ??- KILL HIM! [b]A bandit runs towards you [/b]
Bramd - old
OKAY THEN! *Mortar slashes at the bandit, then blocks for any attacks that may come* -
[b]The bandit falls to the ground, but no attacks come. You are standing inside the throne room. A dozen bandits surround you as the Baron sits in his chair[/b] ??- I am Mortar! Who are you?
Bramd - old
*Mortar thinks this through, then makes a decision* I am Gore, but you can call me Mortar. You have disgraced my name, so I am gonna call you Muerto. [spoiler]That's Spanish for dead.[/spoiler] -
"A man of many tongues. You will die." [b]Two Bandits approach you [/b]
Bramd - old
Don't have to be a bloodhound to smell that bullshit. *Mortar chuckles. His body is different, but his wits aren't. He lunges at one bandit, slashing his chest open, and goes for another* Now, this becomes fun. -
[b]As you lunge towards the second two more approach. The second bandit attempts to block you [/b]
Bramd - old
No no no no NO! *Mortar slashes 360° -
[b]The three bandits drop to the ground and you suddenly find that all others are also dead. The dwarf looks at you, terrified[/b]
Bramd - old
Yeah, bitch. You don't deserve that throne. *Mortar picks Mortar up by his neck and throws him on the ground* And stay down there, Dinklage -
[b]The world around you seems to fade as you fall ass first to the ground. Nora is laughing [/b] "Welcome back buddy."
Bramd - old
Oh, um, hey. -
"So what did you see? The past? The future? The present?"
Bramd - old
The past... I think -
"Oh interesting. ''
Bramd - old
Yeah. Can I have that thing? It was nice having a wife and kids for once...