"Ah. I can never get the day out of my head. My favorite part is how accidental it was."
Bramd - old
Yeah, the funnier part was that it definitely wasn't love at first sight -
"Oh yes." [b]She puts an arm around you [/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar does the same as Full House comes on* Yeah, but marrying you was the best thing I've done. -
"You're to sweet!"
Bramd - old
You too... *After a few minutes, Mortar breaks away. It was nice to have a wife, but... the wife was his mom...* I'm getting kind of tired, I'm gonna say goodnight to the kids and go to bed. -
"Ah. Alright."
Bramd - old
*Mortar stands up and goes up the stairs. He checks on Katelyn, who is asleep, but Daniel is still awake, his blazing crimson eyes focused on a book.* -
"Hi dad." [b]He says without looking up [/b]
Bramd - old
Hey Mort-- Daniel. What's that book you're reading? -
[b]He sighs slightly as he puts a book mark in and closes the book [/b] "If I should go to bed just say so."
Bramd - old
Oh, no, keep reading if you'd like. I just kind of wanted to talk, about something that wouldn't be considered... Normal. Then again, I know that you're not normal. -
[b]David tilts his head and looks at you [/b] "Dad?"
Bramd - old
Yeah, Daniel. I wanted to talk to you. You know about Gore, right? -
[b]David is silent [/b] "Of course I know." [b]He whispers [/b]
Bramd - old
That's a relief. Well, I also know that you're gonna be amazing one day, Daniel. I have personally seen you 20 years from now, and, while you have left us, you have become one of the strongest people I know. -
"Dad are you okay?" [b]This chat seems to imprint itself into your memory and becomes a permanent part of you [/b] "Da-" [b]You find yourself sitting in the chair with Nora cursing at you [/b]
Bramd - old
What? Nora, what did you do? -
"You can't do that!"
Bramd - old
Why? You said this was my quote on quote dream world, and I assumed it didn't affect stuff that happened in the past. I just didn't expect to be my own dad. -
"See, the thing is the dream world may become real if you make it to much like a real memory."
Bramd - old
That is... strange. I don't know, I've never... met myself, so I wanted a good conversation. Besides, it's not like I told him I was him 20 years in the future, for all he knows, I was trying to motivate him because he was bullied a lot, called the Spawn of Satan, which to a degree he kind of was, but a different Satan... -
"I'm sorry I pulled you out"
Bramd - old
Oh, it's... it's okay, it's just I never got around to give him the knife I gave Roy. The night after that, he gave me it to protect myself. Why he had it or how he got it I don't know... -
"You gave Roy something your father gave to you?"