[spoiler]Painful? Oh dear...[/spoiler] "I don't want to either."
Bramd - old
Yeah, let's just go -
"Sure thing, captain."
Bramd - old
*You enter what appears to be the master bedroom. A closet stands empty in the corner, a chest the only thing in it* Hey, what's that? -
"I'll...let you investigate that for us. This is pretty spooky, between crappy ceilings and bathroom breaks."
Bramd - old
You mean crappy bathrooms... *Mortar investigates the chest* Hmm... -
"Whatever it is." [i]The knight looks over at the chest, as if interested.[/i]
Bramd - old
You wanna see this? *Mortar beckons you over* -
"I guess, sure." [i]The knight looks into the chest.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar puts something inside the lock, and the mold and moss comes off, the chest looking like new* -
"In before a jumpscare..."
Bramd - old
Relax man... *This effect spreads to the rest of the house, it looks brand new, the steps are no longer broken* -
"Oh...why is everything...?" [i]Ornstein begins looking around the home.[/i]
Bramd - old
This is new, definitely. *You hear footsteps downstairs* -
[i]Orn raises his hand, as if shushing you.[/i]
Bramd - old
*Mortar mouths "What is happening?"* -
[i]Since he has his helm on, he doesn't respond with anything. The knight looks around, listening.[/i]
Edited by BrandRobKus: 7/3/2016 3:28:22 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*You hear a few voices* ??: When is Dada coming home? ???: I don't know, honey, we'll just have to wait. -
"Mortar...we need to go. Now."
Bramd - old
*Mortar is nowhere to be seen, as if he disappeared. He didn't seem to leave, his presence can still be sensed, however* -
"What the hell..."
Bramd - old
*there appear to be three voices, one of which sounds like Mortar, but younger* -
"Oh no. No no no no no... I gotta go..."
Bramd - old
??: Where's Dada? He said he'd be home by now. I'm gonna check upstairs. ???: Katie, I don't think he's gonna be there -
[i]Orn quickly cusses before having a wonderful idea that will totally work. He falls over and hits the floor, pretending to be dead.[/i]