"He's my friend. One of my best friends... I'm not from here. I'm not Daniel."
Bramd - old
Mama: I know you're not Daniel, your son is Daniel. Remember, Richard, please. *She looks desperate* -
"I'm not from here! Why the hell is this happening...oh Lord Gwyn..."
Bramd - old
Mama: I can't take your games right now, please... *you two arguing wakes up Daniel (Mini-Mortar) and he walks down the steps to see you two* Daniel: Mama? Dada? -
"DO YOU THINK I WOULD LIE TO YOU ABOUT THIS!? Think. For one second, THINK. If I was actually your husband, I wouldn't want to leave. But I don't know you. I DON'T KNOW ANY OF YOU. I'm sorry. But I must leave."
Bramd - old
*She looks like she's about to cry* Mama: I don't know. You definitely look like him, and sound like him, I don't know anymore... *As she begins to cry, your vision blurs. When you can focus again, you are in a room with Daniel* Daniel: You're awake. -
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME, MORTAR!!??" [i]Ornstein sounds as if he's gone mad. He starts shaking his head.[/i]
Bramd - old
Daniel: Look, sir. I believe you. Trust me, you probably know I'm not normal. *He winks at you, emphasizing his blazing crimson eyes* Now, who are you exactly? Something about you seems familiar, but that may just be the dada skin you have. -
"I'm...I am Ornstein. Captain of the Knights of Gwyn. Guardian of Anor Londo. Undead. Brother of Smough. Dragonslayer. First Student of Faraam, also known as the Nameless King. Does that...ring any bells?"
Bramd - old
Um... The name Gwyn sounds familiar, I read a book about him. Wait... You're THAT Ornstein? Sir Ornstein? *Daniel sits on his bed, eager to hear an answer* -
"Yes. I am."
Bramd - old
*Daniel looks at you a funny way* Strange, I would have thought you to be... stronger. -
"Look, I'm not used to these sorts of conditions...I kinda just got brought into this by... Mortar. You're Mortar, but in the past. He brought me here, but...why?"
Bramd - old
I don't really know... I never thought I'd meet Sir Ornstein, let alone be friends with him in the future. Then again, I'm not exactly normal... *Daniel forms an iron ball in his hand, light seems to seep from cracks in it, then darkness following, then the ball dissipates, making an evil hiss* -
"This is strange... But yes, I suppose you will be. Unless...me interfering with the timeline would...oh no. Have I interfered with the future?!"
Bramd - old
I don't know, I never met my future self. At least this is different than Back to the Future, you are aware that you are gonna probably change something, and I find it cool. -
"And what if this change affects everything in a negative way?"
Bramd - old
Well, you're still here, right? -
"...Yes. Would you know of a way to...get back? Into my timeline?"
Bramd - old
I'm sorry, no. But I am making blueprints to a transportation device, probably using a portal or something... But I'll never complete it, I'm just an abnormal kid who goes to Catholic school. -
"Oh. That's fine. I know of other gods out there, Y'know. Not trying to mess with beliefs, but just saying."
Bramd - old
I know, you are Sir Ornstein, swearing your loyalty to Lord Gwyn. Wait... there may be a way, oh, I'm so gonna get grounded for this. *Mortar walks over to the bed* Sit, please. -
"Sure. Ok." [i]He sits...kinda wherever, really.[/i]
Bramd - old
Alright, now lay down on the bed, close your eyes, and relax. -
"Alright..." [i]Ornstein does what you told him to do.[/i]