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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
7/3/2016 1:46:16 PM
[i]In the depths of the Bloodwrath, in one of the many dark rooms, a small light in the shape of a visor flickers on. The visor belonged to a [url=]combat suit[/url], laying on the ground, and on its front in a heap of metal. It slowly got up, its thrusters moving out of their place a bit before sliding back into their slots. Then, it stretched, and moved its hands to its back, feeling two weapons: [url=]a Gauss Gun[/url] and [url=]an Assault Rifle[/url], both in.. leather sheaths. How curious. He gripped the butt of his Assault Rifle, and slid it out of its holster, holding it out in front of him to inspect it, carefully reading the engraved letters on the left side of it, above the trigger,[/i] "Jason Fandango.. Brother of Lucas Fandango.. That's me.." [i]He quietly said to himself from inside his suit, his voice sounding gravelly and worn, with a metallic accent to it thanks to his helmet.[/i] "Well, no point in fiddling with my thumbs here.. Should get going.. Explore, find a base of operations, maybe some people.. Don't know what this place is though.. Shouldn't I be freaking out? Maybe, maybe.." [i]He lowers the gun, holding it close to his heavily armoured chest before setting off into a hallway, his metal boots silently thudding into the darkness, the sounds echoing off the walls, and through the halls. Another sound joined the echoing footsteps: the soft noise of fizzling energy. The air around him rippled like a sea as the protective barrier turned on.[/i] "Shielding, eh? Neat.. Anyway, this shit is boring and I wanna go home already.. Or murder something.. Oooh, or both! Maybe barbeque with some cold beer.. that'd be great.." [i]He silently muttered to himself, his greyish eyes scanning the area around him while he started to go very bored. Then, a sound catches his attention. Faint chanting in the distance. Wait.. chanting? What kind of hellhole did he end up in now?[/i] "What the? Chanting, huh? They trying to summon Satan or somethin'? Ah, no matter.. Just gotta wipe 'em out, because chanting can't be good, right?" [i]He shrugs to himself, and speeds up, soon breaking into a full on sprint, making his heavy footsteps echo far through the halls. He turned a corner, and ran into a massive opening, dozens of cultists being on their knees and praising their god or some shit. He didn't know. He didn't care. The cultists quickly started opening fire on Jason using meltas and other things. His shield absorbed most of the energy, dispersing it somewhere else, making it so the suit remained undamaged. Jason opened fire on the cultists, the plasma coated bullets fired from his Assault Rifle tearing through them with ease, sending pieces of flesh and bone all over the place, painting the walls and the floor. Jason grinned underneath his helmet as blood from a nearby cultist splattered over his helmet. Click, click, click.[/i] "Bloody 'ell, gonna need a reload.." [i]Jason muttered to himself as he let go of his rifle with one hand, and used it to smash a cultist's head in, cracking the skull and smashing the brain, making all sorts of stuff leak out of the cultist's head, some of the stuff splattering on Jason. With his free hand he grabbed the other gun off his back. His Gauss Gun. He aimed it at one of the few remaining cultists with one hand, and pulled the trigger. With a deafening bang, a massive alloy of depleted uranium flies out of the Gauss Gun, sped up to several times the speed of sound. It hit a cultist dead in the chest, tearing through it and hitting another cultist behind the first one, eventually ramming into a wall. Soon, all cultists were dead, and a room filled with body parts, dead bodies, and a covered Jason remained, a grin on his face. He loved this. It was the thing he was made for. Killing. He sheathed the Gauss Gun on his back, and quickly reloaded the Assault Rifle, sheathing it afterwards. He then slowly continued his trip through the halls.[/i] ============================== [i]After a long while, Jason arrives somewhere strange. He had been called there, but by what? Who knows.. Anyhow.. The place was very strange to him, because there were many different buildings, people, and even a luscious green area, inhabited by massive figures in hulking armour, dragon wings on their backs. The rest was vague to him, the distance being too big. [/i] "Well, hot diggity damn! Look-ee look at what I found! People.. Maybe hostile, hopefully not though.. Might wait around here, at the edge.. Not approach anyone until I'm approached.. Sounds like a plan!" [i]He said as he stood still, both hands clenched into fisticuffs as he looked around. Then, he simply sat down on his shiny metal ass, taking a couple of deep breaths as he went over what had happened, eventually tilting his head down as he slowly closed his eyes, though he stayed firmly awake.[/i] [spoiler]Open.[/spoiler]

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  • "Psyker? Like, someone with psychic powers 'n' stuff? This place just got a whole lot more interestin'.."

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  • "yes... psyker... as in, someone with [u]psychic[/u] abilities... heard of them before?"

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  • "Miss, I just woke up here and I have no clue where I am. And yes, I've heard of people with psychic powers but they weren't called Psykers.. Nor are they real for that matter."

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  • "oh really? Is that so? Well then, perhaps you can tell me where you're from, Jason"

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  • "Yeah, I'd love to do that, dear, but I'm not a fan of talkin' to someone in my head, so how 'bout you show yerself so we can talk face to face so I look less insane?"

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  • "well unfortunately, you and I are currently separated by a distance of at least a few kilometres, so walking to your location for now at least is out of the question. Plus, after your recent 'display of force' coupled with your reaction to an individual such as myself, the idea of me meeting you in person is, less than desirable, let's say. And if you're honestly concerned about how foolish you'll appear to others, then just stick to the perimeter of the location where you're at right now. The people trapped on board this vessel have seen many horrors Jason; I doubt that the sight of a single armoured individual communicating through what looks like a helmet comm will be worthy of their full attention"

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  • "Ahem, I displayed force because they attacked first, and to the second thing: ya have to know that I never heard someone talk to me in my head, so of course I had a li'l freak out. And I'm not walkin', I'm standin' here. But eh, are ya watching me right now? Because how else would ya know about the stuff I did? And, why pick li'l me to go telepathically talk to?"

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  • "No I can't see you right now, but I could sense your arrival, most notably through the psychic racket you were making. You're the latest newcommer, plus there's something... familiar, about you. So it seemed most appropriate for me to commune with you first. Also, you're clearly lost and confused, and someone therefore needs to inform you of our collectively doomed situation. And about the head talking thing: hats just setting psykers can do. Get used to it"

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  • "Okay, okay, okay.." [i]He sat back down with a deep and long sigh, his eyes closing again. [/i] "What's the familiar part about me? Or dya not know? And, I guess you're my guide in this place? Neat neat; even got a guide here.." [i]He chuckles to himself. [/i]

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  • "I'm not entirely sure. Something about a... brother? You have a brother, do you not?"

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  • "Li'l one named Lucas.. Ya know him? He's great guy, bad with women though.. Great at friends, mostly. Closet alcoholic."

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  • "yes, I know Lucas. Mech pilot, correct?"

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  • "Yeah, that's him. Smart li'l bastard." [i]He answered, his voice a little more silent than before. [/i]

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  • "yes, I met him when he first arrived here too... funny, you two share a common trend in loud entrances"

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  • "Yeah, but I made my noise without a fancy smanchy mech, which makes me.. even more obnoxious.. Goddammit."

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  • "agreed... though I will admit, I haven't seen your brother since our first meeting. This is a large ship, and people tend to go their own ways all in the attempt of surviving in the way they most desire"

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  • "We're on a ship, huh? And he's probably off doin' somethin' stupid.. 'Ell, I wouldn't be surprised if he managed to tumble off his damn mech and ended up in a hospital! Nah, he's not that idiotic.. But, eh, that all, dear? Or did ya wanna talk 'bout somethin' else?"

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  • "not particularly, just trying to reach out to newcomers and inform them that they're probably going to spend the rest of their days on board this hell hole"

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  • "Oh wow! That's so much fun.. Not. But, hellhole. Rest of my days.. Boy oh boy, I'm gonna grow old in this place, huh? If I don't get murdered rather brutally that is.. which hopefully won't happen.. But you're basically the welcoming comite, then?"

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  • "well, not officially, but for this section of the ship? Yes, sort of"

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  • "Better than the welcomin' comite I had in the other sector!" [i]He gives a hearty laugh, his grey-silverish eyes slowly opening up again. [/i] "You're pleasant to talk to for someone who invaded my head.. No offense."

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  • "none taken. I'll admit though, it is amusing on occasion to see how awkwardly people react to such a thing, heheh"

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  • "Mhm, I guess I must've been hilarious then, hmm? And it is very fun to see people freak the 'ell out. Sometimes." [i]He leans back, laying down completely, spreading his arms and legs wide. [/i]

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  • "enjoying the tranquility of a chaos murder ship, are we?"

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  • "Gotta relax every now and then, ya know? Wind down a bit.. I'd prefer a soft and snazzy li'l bed but this is what I get, this is what I'll use."

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