ODST: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/videogames/detail-page/B001HWB68K.02.lg.jpg
Dead orbit: http://cdn3.dualshockers.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Bungie-Gear-2.png
Anyone see a resemblance? The down looking helmet, the backpack and smaller chest plate, and more.
Has anyone else noticed this?
Not really
Its more halo reach
If the colors were altered and the helmet was changed then maybe
Not really. The HoW set was meant to represent a kind of light armor tactical harness. ODST armor was meant to fill that same aesthetic, but they are not actually visually similar.
There's not really much of a resemblance. I love ODST armor. But the Dead Orbit armor doesn't really pay it any homage.
I hate the warlock chest piece for DO. Unfortunately I decided to make my warlock rep DO..... Didn't realize how ugly It was until I got it...... ~~[i]Dinklebot[/i]
I've noticed it in year 1. Reminded me of a marine in Halo 4, but now you mention it, it does look like an ODST. Now for the grind.