originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*I disintegrate and appear behind the ball, I then kick it towards you*
Bramd - old
*The ball explodes before you kick it, sending you flying* -
*I disintegrate as I hit the wall, I then appear beside you, I then thrust my sword into your thigh, and remove it, causing you to take a knee. I then get out of the way of the back blades*
Bramd - old
*An iron ball flung from Mortar's side throws your sword off before it can enter his thigh, then turns and goes for your head* -
*I proceed to cut the ball in half and get out of the way [spoiler]2 things 1) gonna pause. Need sleep 2) am I occasionally doing too much for one comment?[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Okay and not really.[/spoiler] *Mortar is definitely pissed, and lunges at you, his strength seemingly crushing you* -
*While you lunge at me, I thrust my sword through your chest* [spoiler]sorry this took so long. I do this at night and I am sometimes too tired to do this[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*Mortar groans as he falls to his knees* Well, that's as close to death as I'm going today... Now, *groan* all we need to do is have a lieutenant look it over. *Mortar inches the blade out so it's not as painful to take it out* -
Gg. If you weren't part demon, I would offer my healing *sheathes sword*
Bramd - old
Well, that I won't need. Not because I'm a demon, I can't exactly heal like that. No, I use Digi Reconstruction, something that heals everyone here after battles -
And how does that work? [spoiler]we may have to notify a lieutenant that the battle finished[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
I dunno, but it works... [spoiler]I'll do it, you bump the post[/spoiler] -