"Mortar...we need to go. Now."
Bramd - old
*Mortar is nowhere to be seen, as if he disappeared. He didn't seem to leave, his presence can still be sensed, however* -
"What the hell..."
Bramd - old
*there appear to be three voices, one of which sounds like Mortar, but younger* -
"Oh no. No no no no no... I gotta go..."
Bramd - old
??: Where's Dada? He said he'd be home by now. I'm gonna check upstairs. ???: Katie, I don't think he's gonna be there -
[i]Orn quickly cusses before having a wonderful idea that will totally work. He falls over and hits the floor, pretending to be dead.[/i]
Bramd - old
*A small set of footsteps can be heard, then enters the room. A young Mortar looks over you, and instead of thinking why a fully armored undead knight is in the room, he calls down the stairs* ???: Mommy! Dada's drunk again! -
Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 7/7/2016 3:10:49 AM[i]Out of surprise, Ornstein raises his head.[/i] "Wait, wha...I'm not...I'm not your..." [i]He gets up, towering over the kid.[/i]
Bramd - old
???: Dada, what are you saying? *The girl looks kind of confused* -
"What the hell... Just a little confused, honey. That's all."
Bramd - old
???: How come? It's me, Katelyn. Do you need to lay down? *As you look down your clothes and appearance begins to change* -
[i]Ornstein slightly panics.[/i] "I just need a minute, ok? Where's your mother?"
Bramd - old
???: Downstairs... I'll... leave you alone a moment -
"Thanks." [i]Orn sits down on the bed, looking at himself.[/i] [b]Mortar...what have you done? What...[/b]
Bramd - old
*No response is given* -
"Damnit..." [i]He finally goes down to check on his "family".[/i]
Bramd - old
???1: Dada! Mini Mortar: Are you okay Dada? -
"Yes...I'm ok, son. I'm gonna head out for a little bit, alright? Just gonna get some things first..." [spoiler]Does Orn still have access to his armor and weapons?[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Not at the moment, no.[/spoiler] Mini Mortar: Doing what Dada? -
[spoiler]Damn.[/spoiler] "Look, why don't you...wait a sec, why do you look like Mortar?! So... Hold on. Where ARE we?!"
Bramd - old
Mini Mortar: Mo-Mortar? Dada, are you feeling okay? ???: Honey, did you drink too much yesterday? -
"Look, I just need the location...that's all. I forgot some things..." [spoiler]I suppose this was Mortar's past when he was out of the Underworld?[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Yeah...[/spoiler] ???: Honey... we're in New Jersey, we just got back from White House Subs. -
[spoiler]Oh...great. I've gone from a god-serving knight to the father of a kid who got corrupted by a previous killing machine. Yahoo![/spoiler] [i]It all starts to kick in. Ornstein is staring at nothing now, confused at the thought. He was in the past, but...Mortar's father?[/i]