You're not a gamer unless you've played Myst.
1993's first-person puzzle-adventure Myst was made with HyperCard, a slideshow application that made the entire game pre-rendered, but visually stunning by the standards of the day. Myst's combination of unique puzzles, stunning locales, and compelling narrative make it (and the following four sequels [let's forget Uru]) one of the finest games ever made.
So what super-pretentious gaming delusions do you guys have? What does someone have to have done for you to consider them - if not just a gamer - a venerable master of our beloved hobby?
Edit: obviously I didn't make myself clear with my original post, so let me point out [i]VERY CLEARLY[/i]:
The series started a downward trend with game number 3, Exile, and number 5 (End of Ages) wasn't very good in general. Still better than Uru, of course.
You are not a gamer unless your left thumb is normal while your right thumb is mushed flat