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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
7/4/2016 1:00:27 AM
"Keep your spirits up, Feryun. Do not give up hope just yet." As they followed the trail, they were faced by a valley in-between two mountains. At the center of that valley lay an old forgotten shrine, whose pillars had almost all rotted away. Only the black remains of ancient foundations still stood, the roof of the temple had all but rotted away. The corpses were fresher and fresher, until they all piled into a mound around the shrine, almost making it look like a Dark Eldar-esque flesh pit. But the flesh that lay there was the flesh not of slaves of man, but of slave of the gods. Servants of Tzeentch, primarily, but some corpses surprised the trio. Some of them belonged to most likely brave and foolish champions of chaos. Ranging from great chaos marine champions to greater Daemons of Khorne, Slaanesh and Nurgle. As they approached the shrine, they heard the sounds of bloody combat. Blades dancing, flesh tearing and the gruntings of dying men. Before they could take a step further, Noiratrom placed his hand before the other two. A cabal of Daemons had banded together, hell bent on vanquishing the being who had caused them trouble. Horrors, Flamers, Including groups of Fury slaves and their handlers, chaos marines champions to Tzeentch. Although Noiratrom wished to help the warrior, he couldn't make his presence known, especially since a lord of change was at the head of this group. Still, he kept his hopes up. Knight Eli The Dauntless [i]was[/i] renown for his bravery and skill. Within the charred temple, Eli knelt. Sitting down on his knees, he held his shield before him, head low, sword at his back. His breathing was slow, calm. With every breath, a puff of hot, condensed air came from the darkness of his helmet. His blue cloak was somewhat ragged, yet still stood wrapped around his shoulders. His armour, too, was worn from the innumerable years spent battling the warp. The Wolf, as he was known to some, slowly moved his head upwards. More creatures had come to the slaughter. To claim him. To rejoice over his death. But rejoice they would not. He slowly stood, sheathing his greatshield upon his left forearm, and drew his greatsword, holding the grip firmly. [url=]In the pale blue light, his entire armour gleamed. The silver set shined in all of its greatness.[/url] Naturally, the first to rush him were the unleashed furies. The mad, mindless monsters charged at him with their claws, roaring with feral ferocity, with no apparent plan in mind. Eli quickly looked to his left and then his right, analyzing the field of battle in a split second. And so, his dance of death began. He swung himself to the right, where the group was closest. In a swift move, he brought his greatsword down into the ground with a -[i][b]SLAM![/b][/i]-, slicing three of the beasts in half, and sending the others moving aside. Suddenly, he raised his shield above his flank, as the other group of furies charged him. They all crashed uselessly upon his shield. Changing the angle of his blade, he swung all around himself in a half-circle, reaping the beasts in one clean swing, slicing them all in uneven halves. However, he didn't stop his swing, no. The custodians of the beasts were now charging at him. Using his shield to block off attacks from the Warp horrors afar, Eli swung the blade back into his backside, slowing down his motiom momentarily. Although the trio was already standing around the Monastery eagerly watching the fight, they could not yet see what was happening, until they heard a -[i]Kr-chlunk![/i]- coming from the blade. As the two custodians were almost upon him, he continued his motion. Suddenly, he heaved the blade as if it had become considerably heavier, and it had. In a mere instant, the two chaos marines had been rendered into a gooey paste in a loud -[i][b]THONK![/b][/i]- that resonated through the night as Eli slammed down his sword upon them. However, something was different. Resting atop his blade now was a massive slab of metal, almost the entire size of a space marine. He had converted his sword into a hammer in the middle of battle, and with such impressive fluidity... both flanks of the hammers were covered in writings, in a symbolic language lost to the ages. He slowly returned the blade to his back, making a quick motion to the right with it, a loud -[i][b]Chlunk![/b][/i]-, releasing the hammer. Approaching him now were the flamers, twisting pillars of maws. They approached him with speed and had already begun spewing their flames. Running forward towards the three daemons, Eli rolled underneath the jets of flame, blade extended to the right to cut one down. It fell to the ground, and as he stood up, Eli spiraled his blade to slice the Daemon in half. Quickly, he ducked again towards the left, stabbing the monster into its mouth, killing it. As the third one approached him from the front, he quickly threw his blade into the monster, running at it in blinding speed. As it stabbed the beast who went flying from the force, he stepped on one of it's faces, grabbed his greatsword, swung it quickly into his back to lock it with the hammer, then jumped into the air, towards the horrors. He brought the hammer down upon one, causing it to explode in a disgusting gruntle of bones and flesh shattering. He then rapidly lodged his shield into the ground to free his hand, allowing him to wield the hammer with two hands. Swinging it like a baseball bat from the cover of his shield, the head crashed into the first Horror, sending him flying into its fellow horrors, who all chained into the air to explode upon the wall one after the other, leaving a massive bloodstain. Without a moment of respite, the Lord of Change attacked the knight, with its strange magic and powerful attacks. It threw lightning bolts at the knight, who had to take the impact as he dived for his shield. But that didn't stop him at all. He grabbed the shield from the ground and ran at the winged beast, shield first. He right as he sent the lord flying into the bloodstain, causing the bird to lose a few feathers. The lord shook it's head, then stared back at his opponent. But not for long. In a mere instant, Eli had driven his sword through the bird, pinning him to the wall. He stood back as the bird tried to break free. He grabbed the hammer head with his hand, deeming it would suffice. He ran at the winged beast, using his blade as a stepping stone, then brutally brought the hammer up underneath its head, causing the head to go flying off with the wet sound of flesh ripping apart. The head went flying through the ceiling, causing yet another hole in the decrepit concrete. The head landed at Gwynevere's feet.

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