Looking for a game to get. Unsure which.
Keep in mind that i never played a metal gear. Checked a few mins and this guy ran around a bunch of the action. Also saw alot of realism killing.
Quantum Break.. looks cool sounds cool. It makes me think of timeshift and i loved timeshift.. but seems to have alot of cutscenes. Not sure if the game is nearly as long either. Seems one and done
Doom. I hear good things on here but the combat seems pretty basic and the glow for gory kill will annoy me i can already tell. But i guess im overdue for a simplified shooter for a while. Looks like another one and done.
Rise of the Tomb Raider (RoTTR). Enjoyed the first one. Suprised me. Second one looks the same with nothing new. Id still enjoy the story im sure. But another one and done.
Other. For all your other gaming ideas. Just found out Super Hot was out (waaat) but currently looks too steep $$$ for the content. I will play any one and done games if they are truly satisfying. Long enough great story and atleast one more replay value. Plz no overwatch. Or maybe i guess. But i have smite and gigantic mobas for that itch (stopped gigantic though after a update)
Please bask me in your gaming waters. Wash me of my boredom sins.
Edit: forgot other :( plz state if you can
Maybe pick up resident evil 5 on xbone it's 20 bucks and comes with all dlc