Haha yours is you suck and your complaining Link your account lets see ... All I said is no your just salty and I have fun with a sniper... It's not hard to figure out
You literally make no sense read my post then look at this points I made prove me wrong and I'll change them if not we'll I'm sorry it looks like your to immature to debate.
Right I can see it's hard for you to grasp that destiny pvp is fun for me and I like sniping .... Because it's fun and to be consistently good at it , it takes skill you say it's easy and anyone can do it.... But I have a feeling you can't and your bad .... That's the only reason you have your account hidden so no one sees your just another no skill complainer that should just stick to pve ..... And don't get me wrong I would love to play pvp with you but you clearly just aren't cut out for competitive play
Haha ok, my account is linked, I'll happily play with you once I get back from vacation and you can teach me a thing or two, I'll happily learn something new from you even if we disagree.
It's not linked but ok.... Sounds like fun
Did I set it up wrong? If so I'll look it up.