I'm talking about the Pocket infinity. You know. That year one fusion rifle.
I think it needs to come back!
It was my first exotic and I used it within the first weeks of Destiny. It slowly became one of my favorite exotics. Then it got nerfed and left behind.
I recently rediscovered it and in my opinion it should come back. Also it deserves a huge buff.
At the moment it's statewise the worst fusion rifle in the game.
Low charge rate.
Low impact.
A almost non existing stability
And a magazine size of 3
But that's balanced out by the perks right?
Not really. Yes it can shoot fully automatic, but additional to the already low impact, follow up shots deal reduced damage.
But shots that miss return to the magazine!
True but the chance for that is something like 25%. Which is not that helpful and barely noticeable in a magazine of 3.
So what do I think they should do with it?
First point: buff the magazine size.
Second point: remove the damage reduction. The low stability already balance that. There is no need to reduce the damage.
Third point: Buff the chance to return shots. Again the low stability balance that.
Fourth point: Buff fusion rifles in PvE. Almost nobody uses them. They can't compete in raids.
Let me know that you think!
[spoiler]remember that's my opinion. Feel free to post yours below[/spoiler]
Edit: Thank you guys for your awesome feedback!
I use it now in the crucible and if used right it -blam!-ing wrecks anything especially shutting down roaming supers which is super fun :)