[b]The old man thinks for a moment, then sighs a little.[/b] "I suppose that we could...bend the rules a tad bit. As long as you know that it won't get me in trouble...ok." [b]Gerhman holds out his left hand, which is plated in a metal gauntlet. He shakes your hand in a strong manner, but not in a bad way.[/b] "I've heard that the challenger is usually the one to make the first move. I've always preferred my opponents to have the first, but I'll leave it up to you to decide."
Bramd - old
Hell, I've been doing it the customary way since I joined up, makes it a little more difficult. *Mortar places his hand between his shoulder blades. His palm begins to glow, and something begins to form in it. A sword. A sword unlike anything you've seen before. A four and a half foot long dark blue katana/broadsword mix. When it fully forms, it ignites in ominous emerald green flames* Please, you first. -
"As you wish." [b]Gerhman draws the curved blade that is at his side. It looks as if it belongs to a scythe. Suddenly, he grabs the large stick on his back, and slams the blade into it. The stick extends, and the Old Hunter is now holding a sharp scythe. [/b] "I must warn you that the blade of this weapon is made of a mineral known as siderite. It's practically able to cut through anything it hits. Not trying to intimidate, of course. Just a warning." [b]The old Hunter moves at a slow pace towards you.[/b]
Bramd - old
Ah, and this is a little metal I call Valhite. This metal is extremely durable, your weapon could have a little trouble getting through. *Mortar holds his sword in a ready position as the flames dance around the blade, a lethal ballet.* -
"Heard of it before. And so, it begins." [b]Gerhman approaches, and swings. The blade goes behind you however, as he tugs you to himself, bonking you over the head with the end of the scythe handle, then backing away at a surprising speed. For some odd reason, Gerhman actually chuckles a little.[/b] "I'm so sorry. Had to do that..."
Bramd - old
Humor... I like you. *Mortar forms three iron balls and hurls them at you from different directions* -
"Heh." [b]The Hunter dodges the first two, and actually managed to jump on the third, leaping off and hitting the ground without breaking a sweat.[/b]
Bramd - old
Damn, you got skills old man... *Mortar punches the ground the second you land, causing a massive earthquake* -
[b]Gerhman drives his scythe to the ground, anchoring himself.[/b] "When you hunt beasts for a living, you have to prepare for the worst!"
Bramd - old
Trust me, I know that all too much. *While you are anchored, Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms behind you, giving a swift knee to the spine* -
[b]He falls back, grabbing his scythe along the way, and rolls back onto his feet.[/b] "Teleportation? Been a while since I've seen that."
Bramd - old
Oh, it isn't really teleportation... *Mortar dissolves into the ground and reforms behind you, an iron ball meets the back of your neck* -
[b]He stumbles over, getting somewhat serious.[/b] "Seriously? Eh, oh well." [b]Gerhman turns back, lowering his scythe.[/b]
Bramd - old
Yeah, what, did you think I'd go easy? Nah, I don't think so. *Mortar holds his sword in a ready position* -
Edited by OldManGehrman: 7/6/2016 8:36:08 PM"I can respect that." [b]Instead of charging with his scythe, Gerhman breaks the blade from the handle, using it now like a sword. Sheathing the scythe handle, he draws his blunderbuss and clicks something on the side. Gerhman them starts to move at a surprising rate.[/b]
Bramd - old
NOW we're getting somewhere. *Mortar walks backwards slowly, forming an iron ball while his sword is still in a defensive position* -
[b]Seeing the iron ball being formed, the Hunter slows down, still moving forward and preparing to dodge.[/b]
Bramd - old
*The iron ball flies into the air, right above your head, then explodes, sending a barrage of shrapnel at you* -
Edited by OldManGehrman: 7/6/2016 11:03:47 PM"Well, time to be a douchebag." [b]Sheathing his weapons, Gerhman leaps over to you, lifting you up with surprising strength and using you as a human shield against the shrapnel. Except he forgot that you could probably teleport out of his hands or whatever...he's old.[/b] [spoiler]Gonna be a while before I respond again, gotta go[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Well, sometimes you gotta be the douchebag to win... *Mortar holds up his sword, it forms into a shield to block the shrapnel. Then he smashes it into your back* -
[b]The blade pokes out of Gerhman's chest. He slams you down into the ground, withdrawing it, at then slams his blade into your right thigh.[/b]